The Beginning of the End of HIV/AIDS in Houston

Legacy is pleased to announce the first-ever END of HIV/AIDS campaign for the City of Houston (#get2zero). The end is in sight.

Last year, we applied for and received an AIDS United and Ford Foundation HIV/AIDS (REACH) grant, which supports the improvement of HIV/AIDS-focused policy and advocacy activities at community-based organizations in nine southern states. This is the first year that Texas has been included, and Legacy is one of three agencies across the state to receive funding.

Over the next year, Legacy will lead a number of activities that will result in a five-year plan to reduce new HIV cases in Houston. The project, titled Ending New Diagnoses (END) HIV/AIDS Houston, will bring together community and agency leaders from across the city to identify and solidify steps that must be taken to improve health outcomes for Houstonians.

Our END campaign kicks off later this month with a two-day invitation-only symposium, in conjunction with Health Law and Policy at Harvard Law School, that will present the state of the disease at the national, state, county, and local levels and how we move forward in Houston. The citywide plan will be officially launched toward the end of this year.


Post by Venita Ray, Public Affairs Field Specialist

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