Author Archives: Brian Block

Legacy Community Health is Now Offering Geriatric Services

“Adding geriatric services allows us to better serve the needs of our aging communities,” says Dr. Patricia Hayes, Legacy’s Director of Family Medicine. “It’s a pressing need and another way for us to drive healthy change in our communities.”   

What is Preeclampsia?

Preeclampsia is high blood pressure during pregnancy or soon after delivery, which can cause seizures, kidney and liver damage, and in some cases, death. It’s on the rise in Texas and the leading cause of maternal deaths worldwide.

Mental Health Mondays: A Key to Renewal in the New Year: An Attitude of Gratitude

The New Year is a time of renewal for many. People often focus on resolutions such as exercising, healthy eating, improving their career or giving up smoking or drinking. But I’d like to suggest an additional approach to renewal for this coming year. Let’s focus on renewal from a position of gratitude.

Legacy Community Health’s Wellness Manager Publishes New Book on Overcoming Addiction

“We’re all addicted to something,” Felicia Sexton said. “It could be food, negative thinking, overworking or drugs and alcohol. Because I’ve overcome addiction, and have been able to restore my health and body, I now want to help patients at Legacy do the same.”

Woman gets pregnant after multiple miscarriages

After three miscarriages, Keyla Miguel, 34, was told she may not be able to have another child. And doctors said that if she did become pregnant she would be considered critical and have to be put on bed rest. But then she came to Legacy’s Southwest Clinic.

Legacy volunteer loses health insurance, becomes patient

Each time she prepares for a fitness class, Legacy volunteer Jennafer Hamilton looks out into the crowd of eager school-aged children and parents who renew her commitment to volunteer. “The smiles. It’s really just about the smiles,” she says.

HIV featured prominently at Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee Forum

At the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee Emerging Leaders Forum, held last week in D.C., state elected leaders from around the country, including Texas Representative Eric Johnson, convened to hear about the direction of the Democratic Party.

Mental Health Mondays: Bipolar disorder explained

At least once a week a new patient will respond, “I’m bipolar” when asked about their symptoms and the reason for their visit. They usually describe a history of being happy one minute then sad or angry the next. In everyday conversations, having mood swings is often equated with being bipolar, but bipolar disorder is more complex than just mood swings.

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