Author Archives: Brian Block

Mental Health Mondays: When Kids Misbehave

Kids will misbehave, but effective consequences can help them improve. Legacy’s director of therapy services shares a proven technique to help parents cope.

HIV Advocacy Week and World AIDS Day

For the first time, on the week of Nov. 27, END HIV Houston (END) will be leading a local advocacy week to bring more urgency to ending the HIV epidemic in Houston.

Mental Health Mondays: Beating the Holiday Blues

As a survivor of the holiday blues, I know what it’s like to feel out of it during the holidays when you are supposed to feel all warm and fuzzy. However, I learned to overcome my holiday depression and so can you.

Mental Health Mondays: When PTSD comes knocking

On average, 15 percent of veterans who served in Vietnam, Desert Storm and or Operation Iraqi/Enduring Freedom are thought to have suffered from PTSD at some point, according to the National Center for PTSD.

But PTSD is not confined to the military.

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