CaringBridge Connects Family and Patient With One Story

By: Brianna DAlessio South, Marketing Specialist

Every patient has a journey, a health journey, which shapes who they are and what they are battling.  is a window into their journey.

Sona Mehring, former CEO of CaringBridge, credited how the site operates as oppose to just another social media app in a recent NPR interview. “The entire conversation is about the health journey that the person is going through. It doesn’t get interrupted with different types of news feed, it’s very authentic, and none of the data’s manipulated. So, it’s very pure, to the community and the conversation that’s going on. It just really creates a healing environment.”

The platform to share messages and provide words of encouragement creates the link between patient and loved ones. People newly diagnosed with perhaps a terminal diagnosis, might not want to talk to extensive family members or friends in their life.  This journal serves as an online story, so a patient doesn’t have to live in the cycle of starting from the beginning for every conversation.

Diane South of Cleveland, Ohio helped her sister create an account when her husband with diagnosed with stage IV prostate cancer.  With most of her family stretched across the country and countless phone calls and emails inquiring about his treatment and process, the site offered a gateway to connect with loved ones.  

 “We were able to track followers, and share messages with Tom to show how much support and love was around him,” said Diane. “We were able to share as much or as little medical information as we wanted at any given time, which during an extended illness can be stressful, CaringBridge helped to alleviate some of the stress and provide comfort.”

CaringBridge reminds those facing perhaps one of the most difficult journeys in their life, they are not alone.  And alone they are not.  The website reached two billion visits this year and is also available as an app .

Check it out at

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