Category Archives: Adult Medicine

Legacy Patient Worried about Zika Virus

One of Legacy’s pregnant patients speaks with NBC about Zika fears and precautions.

Amid Congressional Inaction, Legacy Confirms More Patients Testing Positive for Zika Virus

Three additional patients, pregnant moms, are testing positive for the mosquito-borne Zika virus.

Text Messaging Allows Expectant Mothers to Stay Ahead of Their Pregnancy

We just read this and wanted to pass along. From Kaiser Health News: Free text-messaging service for pregnant women Health advocates say it’s important to tailor digital health technologies to lower-income people not only to be fair, but because they’re more likely to have chronic illnesses, like diabetes, that are expensive to treat…For now, experiments …

Public Health Takes Back Seat to Partisan Politics on Zika

The biggest health care battle in D.C. has now officially become a stalemate. Badly needed legislation providing states the funding they need to wrestle down the Zika virus failed yesterday.

Policymakers on Different Planet than a Supermajority of Texans on Medicaid Expansion

By: Brianna DAlessio South, Marketing Specialist It’s widely known the state of Texas refuses to expand Medicaid, or something similar to it. But a supermajority of Texas (63%) favor it, according to a new survey released by The Texas Medical Center Health Policy Institute in Houston. “Both Texas and Florida, the residents there are hurting …

Texas Veterans Still Not Getting the Health Care They Need

As we honor the fallen this Memorial Day weekend, it’s also a time to recommit to providing proper health care to veterans. Many veterans are not receiving the care they need in a timely manner in the VA health system. Community health centers like Legacy are ready and willing to provide high-quality care to them and their families.

Today is HIV Vaccine Awareness Day

HIV Vaccine Awareness Day (HVAD) is observed annually on May 18th to recognize and thank all the dedicated individuals working to find a safe and effective preventive HIV vaccine. It is also a day to educate about the importance of preventive HIV vaccine research.

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