Category Archives: Behavioral Health Services

Legacy Observes National Eating Disorders Awareness Week

This week is National Eating Disorders Awareness Week. It’s a time for us to learn, share, and support each other on a topic that touches many lives, maybe even our own or those of people we care about. Eating disorders can lead to serious health outcomes and can affect anyone. The good news is, help …

When the Sun Brings SADness

Feeling SAD this summer? Allow us to shed some light on this lesser-known disorder. by Ashley Guidry Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a major depressive disorder, mania or hypomania with a seasonal pattern. Regular depression affects 1 in 5 American citizens. SAD, however, on a much smaller scale affects about 5 percent of adults. It …

Overcoming burnout: Tips for work and school

How not to dread your next meeting or lecture. By Barrett White Heavy workloads, deadlines, screen time, pressure, and stress – these are all typical challenges of work and school. But for these challenges to push you to the point of burnout is a problem. But what is burnout? Aside from stress, the Harvard Business …

Why your sleep schedule is important for your health

What is sleep and why do we need it? By Barrett White For adults ages 18-64, roughly 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night are necessary for proper bodily and cognitive function. Adults who get fewer hours of sleep per night on a regular basis may risk mood shifts and cognitive decline, like experiencing …

Emotional Wellness after Domestic Violence

The Effects Of Domestic Violence

by Ashley Guidry, Communications Associate Emotional Wellness is defined as properly coping with life and developing healthy relationships. October is recognized as the month to monitor your emotional health and check on your loved ones. The pandemic has emotionally changed us in ways most of us may never recover from. To social injustices then food …

October Is Health Literacy Month!

By Barrett White Health literacy refers to someone’s ability to find, understand, and use information and services related to their health care. Health Literacy Month is a time for health care providers to recognize the importance of making health information easy to understand and the health care system easier to navigate. One way that health …

Is there such a thing as eating too healthily? Technically, yes.

By Barrett White Orthorexia is no joke, and it develops in gay and bisexual men more often than other demographics.   You can eat the birthday cake. You will be fine. Progress isn’t built in a day – it isn’t unraveled in a day, either. Orthorexia, the less-discussed cousin of anorexia, is an eating disorder …

July is Minority Mental Health Month

Minority Mental Health Houston

By Barrett White TW: Mental health outcomes. Mental health is often overlooked in minority communities in the United States. Let’s change that.   Across the country, millions of people face the reality of living with a mental health condition. Legacy observes National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month each July to bring awareness to the struggles …

May is Mental Health Awareness Month

Updated: May 10, 2022 By Carolina Boyd, Communications Associate May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Observed since 1949, the event helps to promote mental health education and support, with the goal of decreasing the stigma that is so often associated with mental illness. Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, millions of Americans were experiencing stress, trauma, …

Managing Mental Health as We Remain at Home

For nearly a year, we’ve endured social isolation, family stress, and job insecurity. How can we cope? By Barrett White   We have collectively been through a lot since March. For nearly a year now, we’ve been in varying states of lockdown, dealt with social distancing, and have probably had to turn the car around …

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