Category Archives: Behavioral Health Services

Mental Health Mondays: How to Keep Your Cool

Legacy’s Director of Therapy Services, Roma Bhatt, explains how to keep your cool with her top five anger-management tips. Watch this video to learn more.

Mental Health Mondays – Don’t Give Up: 4 Ways to Stay Grounded in Behavioral Health Care

As a behavioral health consultant at Legacy’s Montrose clinic, I often am referred patients that are in crisis. A behavioral health crisis is a state of temporary distress, which can be caused by psychological burnout, sleep deprivation, severe over work, traumatic events or an untreated mental health disorder. An untreated mental health disorder in combination with chronic health issues, relationship problems, grief or a change in housing or job status can be burdensome and lead to an inability to function.

Mental Health Mondays: Talking to Kids about School Violence

Adults have had a difficult time with the news, but what about our kids? As adults, it is our responsibility to process tragic experiences with our children who may be feeling fear and confusion.

Mental Health Mondays: Could smartphones be affecting your kids’ mental health?

Smartphones affecting teen kids mental health

Increased reports of teen suicide have rattled our nation and city, of late, and multiple studies have shown a sharp increase in adolescent depression. Could teen smartphone use be contributing to this spike?  

Mental Health Mondays: Do You Have Constant Anxiety?


Depression and bipolar disorder may be the most commonly talked about mental health conditions, but anxiety disorders are the most prevalent. Occasional anxiety is normal; constant or excessive anxiety is not. It could be the sign of an anxiety disorder — a serious medical condition.

Mental Health Mondays: How to Get More Sleep (hint: Get off your phone!)

More than a third of adults aren’t getting enough sleep, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Medical research shows a lack of sleep affects your physical health, safety (think driving while drowsy), and mental health.

Mental Health Mondays: A Key to Renewal in the New Year: An Attitude of Gratitude

The New Year is a time of renewal for many. People often focus on resolutions such as exercising, healthy eating, improving their career or giving up smoking or drinking. But I’d like to suggest an additional approach to renewal for this coming year. Let’s focus on renewal from a position of gratitude.

Legacy Community Health’s Wellness Manager Publishes New Book on Overcoming Addiction

“We’re all addicted to something,” Felicia Sexton said. “It could be food, negative thinking, overworking or drugs and alcohol. Because I’ve overcome addiction, and have been able to restore my health and body, I now want to help patients at Legacy do the same.”

Mental Health Mondays: Bipolar disorder explained

At least once a week a new patient will respond, “I’m bipolar” when asked about their symptoms and the reason for their visit. They usually describe a history of being happy one minute then sad or angry the next. In everyday conversations, having mood swings is often equated with being bipolar, but bipolar disorder is more complex than just mood swings.

Mental Health Mondays: Youth and Depression

Depression Child and Teenager

When it comes to depression, we often think of it as an adult disorder. However, the National Institute for Mental Health indicates that more than two percent of children experience major depressive disorder.

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