Category Archives: Geriatrics

Cold Weather Safety Tips for Seniors

Winter weather can pose serious risks for seniors, from hypothermia to falls and other health challenges. Seniors are particularly vulnerable during the colder months due to age-related factors such as reduced circulation or chronic health conditions. Proactive planning is key to staying safe and healthy during the season. Caregivers also play an essential role in …

The Importance of Early Dementia Diagnosis

Imagine walking into a room and suddenly forgetting why you’re there. This happens to many of us, although those moments are usually fleeting and therefore not cause for greater concern. However, for the millions of Americans living with dementia, such a lapse signals something deeper. Yet despite the prevalence of dementia, a large portion of …

Legacy Community Health’s Comprehensive Support for Alzheimer’s Care

If you assume that Alzheimer’s is inevitable for those with a genetic predisposition, research has shown that isn’t necessarily true. There are things that you can do to slow down or even prevent some of the more severe aspects of the disease. Navigating an Alzheimer’s diagnosis can feel overwhelming, but with Legacy Community Health’s support, …

How to Spot Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s disease is a type of dementia that affects millions of individuals and their families worldwide, reshaping the lives of those it touches in deeply personal ways. What Is Alzheimer’s Disease? Alzheimer’s disease is a condition that gradually impairs memory, thinking, and behavior to the point that it interferes with daily life. It’s believed to …

Honoring Family Caregivers

Family caregivers are champions who tirelessly devote time and energy to ensure their loved ones receive the support they need. Their work is often an act of love that happens quietly, behind the scenes. National Family Caregivers Month is an opportunity to recognize the invaluable role that family caregivers play in our communities. They are …

Prevention as Treatment: Staying healthy over treating sickness

When we’re young, we tend to think we’re invincible. Most people don’t go to the doctor when they’re young unless they’re living with a chronic condition. When young adults do not seek care for several years, their providers are often seeing them without a medical history to reference. For most, as we age our health …

Legacy Community Health: Your Partner in Medicaid Re-enrollment

Medicaid plays an important part in providing millions of individuals and families with access to essential healthcare services. From routine doctor visits and prenatal care, to preventive screenings, dental treatment, and even hospital stays, Medicaid ensures people get the care they need. For those who qualify, enrolling in Medicaid can be life-changing. Yet, many people …

Can’t Handle the Texas Heat? Follow these Cool Tips to Stay Safe

By Ashley Guidry, Communications Associate Extreme heat is one of the top weather-related killers threatening the most medically vulnerable in the United States. How can Houstonians prepare against this deadly heat? A devastating storm hit Houston on May 17th, resulting in at least seven deaths, along with nearly a million residents and multiple schools without …

Get connected to your community!

Both Legacy and the City of Houston are sponsoring community events this spring. By Barrett White Throughout February and into the springtime months, Legacy will be hosting our own community events, as will the City of Houston. With the season just a couple months ahead, so what better time to start penciling fun community events …

What are the health benefits of a board game night?

Board Game Health Benefits

Unplugging and enjoying a good card or board game could come with mental and social benefits. By Barrett White Board game sales are up and it’s easy to see why. More and more, people are unplugging and enjoying the familiar comforts of tabletop board games. As we break into 2023, it only becomes clearer each …