Category Archives: Geriatrics

Staying Hydrated as Texas Warms Back Up

Adults ages 65 and up have the highest hospital admission rates for dehydration. By Barrett White   Texas is warming back up and we all know what that means: high temperatures and humidity are on their way to the Gulf Coast region. As the temperatures begin to climb back up, it’s important to remember that …

Celebrating Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Day

By Rita Zapien, Registered Dietitian Looking for guidance when it comes to your diet?  Help may be as close as your nearest registered dietitian. Wednesday, March 10, 2021 is Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) Day. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics created this day to celebrate the work that registered dietitian nutritionists do to improve the …

Medicare Enrollment for 2021 is Here

By Barrett White Medicare open enrollment for 2021 began October 15, 2020, and will end on December 7, 2020.   With highs in the 80s this week it may not feel like autumn, but rest assured – it’s the end of the year and open enrollment is here already! At long last, 2020 is nearly …

Legacy is still your home for medical care.

There is much confusion in these times, but Legacy wants you to know that you’re still welcome. By Barrett White   With all of the confusion around who is allowed to leave the home, and where you’re allowed to leave it to, and who is even open anyway – Legacy reminds you that we are …

Understanding Medicine Management

Medications are a part of ageing. But management of medications doesn’t have to be complicated or intimidating. By Barrett White   Medication management is the practice of properly administering medications to a patient or to oneself. In some instances, a caregiver will administer medications to a patient or a resident in a senior living facility. …

New Legacy Southwest Clinic Is Open for Business!

After a media preview on December 12, the new Legacy Southwest opened its doors to the public on Sunday the 15th. By Barrett White   The new Legacy Southwest (LSW), located at the same address of 6441 High Star Drive, is a 33,000 square-foot state-of-the-art clinic, bringing new space and a breath of fresh air …

Is geriatric home care right for you?

Home care can assist with light housework, companionship, transportation, meal preparation, and medication reminders – among other things. By Barrett White   Navigating geriatric home health care is not an easy task. If you think that home care may be the best option for yourself or a loved one, but are unsure how to even …

SIX DAYS LEFT: Are you enrolled for 2020 ACA coverage?

Enrollment for 2020 runs from November 1, 2019 until December 15, 2019. By Barrett White   Are you one of the millions of Americans to access health care through the Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as Obamacare? The marketplace enrollment began on November 1 and will work like it has in previous years. The …

Getting ready for this year’s flu season

By Carolina Boyd If you’ve been to the doctor lately, chances are your health care provider has asked if you’ve gotten a flu shot yet. There is good reason for that. The flu virus is most active during the fall and winter months. Flu season usually begins in October and peaks between December and February, …

Medicare Enrollment for 2020 is Here

By Barrett White Medicare open enrollment for 2020 begins October 15, 2019, and will end on December 7, 2019   According to a recent Space City Weather update, Houston is finally experiencing cold front season. As Houstonians, we know that means winter is coming. In the health care world, that means open enrollment is coming. …

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