Category Archives: LGBTQ+

Today is HIV Vaccine Awareness Day

HIV Vaccine Awareness Day (HVAD) is observed annually on May 18th to recognize and thank all the dedicated individuals working to find a safe and effective preventive HIV vaccine. It is also a day to educate about the importance of preventive HIV vaccine research.

The Pulse: Transgender Policies in Schools

The public debate regarding transgender health continues with a focus on youth and schools. This week’s episode features a number of stories and interviews with people directly connected to supporting transgender health. In one of those interviews, we are joined by Dr. Jennifer Feldmann, a pediatrician specializing in transgender care at Legacy Community Health, to expand upon her previous …

As Battle over Transgender Bathroom Policy Rages, Legacy Warns of Mental Health Consequences

All Gender Restroom Sign

Top Texas doctor specializing in transgender care: ‘I don’t want my patients pushed into even higher-risk categories.’

Zika Virus Transmitted through Sexual Intercourse, CDC Confirms

By: Brianna DAlessio South, Marketing Specialist The CDC has confirmed a case of the Zika virus through sexual transmission between two men in Dallas. One of the men had recently traveled to Venezuela before returning to the states.  His symptoms included fever, rash, and pinkeye; less than a week later his partner experienced the same …

LGBT Health Awareness Week Focuses on Whole Health & Mind

LGBT Health Week Logo

This week is LGBT Health Awareness, which is celebrated around the country by organizations and groups, community advocates, and elected officials. The annual event is in its 14th year and is focusing its efforts on whole health and mind.

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