Category Archives: OB/GYN & Maternity

American Heart Month: Prioritizing Heart Health for a Stronger Future

February is American Heart Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness about cardiovascular health and encouraging people to make heart-healthy choices. At Legacy Community Health, we recognize the importance of prevention, education, and access to care in reducing heart disease risks and improving overall well-being. Heart health is essential for everyone, but for women going …

Cold Weather Safety for Children and Expectant Mothers

Even in Texas, where warm weather usually dominates, winter can surprise residents with frigid temperatures and snow. Colder months require extra preparation for expectant mothers and families who already have children. From dressing appropriately to making sure their home is adequately warm, families need to know how to adapt to the cold in safe and …

GLP-1 Class: How Weight Loss Drugs Could Affect Fertility and Pregnancy Outcomes

If you’re a sexually active woman of reproductive age taking the drugs Ozempic® or Mounjaro®, there’s something you should know–you may have an increased chance of getting pregnant. These drugs, originally developed to manage diabetes, are now being widely prescribed for weight loss, but also come with the unexpected side effect of boosting fertility. GLP-1: …

Prevention as Treatment: Staying healthy over treating sickness

When we’re young, we tend to think we’re invincible. Most people don’t go to the doctor when they’re young unless they’re living with a chronic condition. When young adults do not seek care for several years, their providers are often seeing them without a medical history to reference. For most, as we age our health …

Legacy Community Health: Your Partner in Medicaid Re-enrollment

Medicaid plays an important part in providing millions of individuals and families with access to essential healthcare services. From routine doctor visits and prenatal care, to preventive screenings, dental treatment, and even hospital stays, Medicaid ensures people get the care they need. For those who qualify, enrolling in Medicaid can be life-changing. Yet, many people …

The Power of Pink

In October Legacy wears pink to highlight Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Virtually everyone now knows someone who has been diagnosed. Together, with regular wellness screenings, Legacy and the American Cancer Society are working to make breast cancer history. Cancer doesn’t discriminate, it can affect anyone – even men. Although breast cancer occurs mostly in women, …

Calling all New Moms! Are You Aware of PMADs?

Becoming a mom is often portrayed as a joyful experience, but the reality can be quite different. By Ashley Guidry, Communications Associate Pregnancy and early motherhood naturally come with their share of worries – after all, no one said it was easy. The journey to becoming a new mom is packed with challenges that can …

Apoyo a la lactancia materna para todos

Por: Yanett Hodgson, Consultora de Lactancia, y Ashley Guidry, Asociada de Comunicaciones La Semana Mundial de la Lactancia Materna, establecida en 1992 por la Alianza Mundial para la Acción en Lactancia Materna, se celebra anualmente del 1 al 7 de agosto. El tema de este año, “Cerrando la Brecha: Apoyo a la Lactancia Materna para …

Breastfeeding Support for All

By: Yanett Hodgson, Lactation Consultant and Ashley Guidry, Communications Associate World Breastfeeding Week, established in 1992 by the World Alliance for Breastfeeding Advocacy, is celebrated annually from August 1-7. This year’s theme, “Closing the Gap- Breastfeeding Support for All,” emphasizes enhancing breastfeeding support to reduce societal inequities, particularly during emergencies and crises. Legacy has pledged …

Congenital syphilis is on the rise in Houston. Have you been tested?

In recent years, Texas has witnessed a troubling increase in congenital syphilis cases among those who are pregnant– and Houston appears to be bearing the brunt of new cases. The resurgence of this preventable infection highlights the critical need for comprehensive prenatal care and accessible health services working in concert with one another. At Legacy, …

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