Category Archives: OB/GYN & Maternity

Nuevos Cambios en Medicaid que benefician a las madres de Texas

Texas extenderá la cobertura para madres actuales y nuevas hasta 12 meses después del parto a partir del 1 de marzo. Por Ashley Guidry, Asociada de Comunicación En enero de 2024, los Centros Federales de Servicios de Medicare y Medicaid (CMS) aprobaron el plan de Texas para proporcionar 12 meses de cobertura de atención médica …

New Medicaid Changes that Help Texas Mothers

Texas will extend coverage for current and new moms for up to 12 months post-pregnancy beginning March 1st. By Ashley Guidry, Communications Associate In January 2024, the Federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) approved Texas’ plan to provide 12 months of postpartum health care coverage. Previously, coverage lasted two months but, with the …

Do you need both a physical and a well woman exam?

Did you know that while there is some overlap, both exams are crucial for your overall health. By Barrett White We’ve all heard that annual check-ups are important, but we often don’t know which services to pursue when we book that appointment. Often when a woman requests an annual exam, she might be booked for …

The Rise of Maternity Deserts in Texas

Maternity Deserts Texas

The existence of maternity deserts has grown at an alarming rate. How do we close this maternal health gap for a better tomorrow? by Dr. Cynthia Roland and Ashley Guidry, Communications Associate According to the March of Dimes, two million individuals across the country live in areas without access to birthing facilities. “I believe this is the …

Legacy Wants YOU to Get Your Mammogram Done

Local Mammogram Screenings

by Ashley Guidry, Communications Associate Did you know Legacy helps patients schedule their mammograms? If your answer is yes, you’re ahead of the game! If not, then you’re in luck. For this breast cancer awareness month, we‘re breaking down what you can do to get preventative treatment. Individuals who are 40 and above or have …

Maternal mortality rates in Harris County are abysmal. With competent maternal care, it doesn’t have to be that way.

By Dr. Rachel Robison, MD FACOG & Dr. Lindsey Vasquez, MD CPE FACOG Legacy Community Health is the largest OB-providing Federally Qualified Health Center in the nation, seeing twice the number of prenatal patients than any other FQHC in the country.    The most recent joint report by the Texas Maternal Mortality and Morbidity Review …

August is National Breastfeeding Month

National Breastfeeding Month

Breastfeeding, or chestfeeding, for any amount of time has significant health benefits for baby and parent. By Yanett Hodgson, IBCLC   August is National Breastfeeding Month! Per the World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action, “Breastfeeding is key to sustainable development strategies post-pandemic, as it improves nutrition, ensures food security and reduces inequalities between and within countries”. Breastfeeding, …

Defeat Diabetes Month: Gestational Diabetes

Diabetes Prevention Houston TX

By Dr. Rachel Robinson, Medical Director of OB/GYN April is Defeat Diabetes Month—a time to raise awareness about gestational diabetes. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), between two and ten percent of pregnancies in this country are impacted by this condition. Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is a form of diabetes …

International Board-Certified Lactation Consultant Day

Lactation Consultants - Houston TX

By Carolina Boyd, Communications Associate Today, Wednesday, March 1, 2022, is International Board-Certified Lactation Consultants Day. This annual global event highlights the services lactation consultants provide to expecting parents. A lactation consultant is a certified health professional who specializes in breastfeeding/chest feeding issues. They are trained to help parents and infants with feeding concerns and …

January is Cervical Cancer Awareness Month

By Dr. Rachel Robinson, Medical Director OB/GYN Updated: Jan. 12, 2022 January is National Cervical Cancer Awareness Month, an observance created to raise awareness about the role regular screenings play in cervical health. According to the American Cancer Society, an estimated 14,480 new cervical cancer cases were diagnosed in the United States in 2021 with …

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