Category Archives: Pediatrics

Affordable Diabetes Care in Your Own Backyard

By Barrett White Diabetes care can be such a pain. With the cost of insulin at an all-time high, it’s not uncommon to hear ghastly news stories like the artist in Houston who tragically lost his life when he couldn’t afford it, or the government employee rationing her insulin when her paychecks stopped during the …

Visit our Pediatric Walk-in Clinic at Legacy Southwest

When your child is sick, you want them to see a health care provider as soon as possible. That’s why the Legacy Southwest Pediatric Walk-in Clinic is open seven days a week, early mornings and late evenings too! Walk-in Clinic – Legacy Southwest Pediatric Walk-in Clinic is open Monday – Saturday, 8:00 am – 8:00 pm Sunday, 12:00 pm …

More of what you can expect with a newborn

The first weeks following the birth of a baby brings a lot of adjustments and questions for parents.  We continue our look at what to expect as your newborn transitions from life in the womb to the world outside. Umbilical Cord Your baby’s umbilical cord stump usually falls out within the two weeks after birth. …

Legacy Community Health encourages measles vaccination

Legacy Community Health, Texas’ largest community health system with 34 clinics, today encouraged parents to vaccinate their children against measles and to watch for signs or symptoms of measles infection. Five cases of the virus have been confirmed this week in Harris and surrounding counties. “Measles is an extremely contagious disease but is preventable with …

What to expect with a newborn

During the first few weeks as a parent, you might question whether certain features or symptoms in your newborn seem normal. Many are a natural part of the transition from birth as your newborn gets used to life in the outside world. Learn more about some common signs below. Your baby’s skin You might notice …

Safe Slumber: Sleep Tips for your Baby

Updated Feb. 9, 2022 Your baby’s sleep needs changes as they grow. Newborns sleep about 16 hours a day, usually 3 to 4 hours at a time. Don’t be surprised if your baby can only stay awake for an hour or two. Over time, a baby gets into a sleep pattern and will start sleeping …

Gearing Up for Cold and Flu Season with Walk-In Appointments Available at Select Locations

By Carolina Boyd The month of December is so closely tied to the holiday season that it’s easy to forget that it marks the start of another kind of season…the peak of cold and flu season. Both the common cold and the flu are contagious, but cold symptoms are usually milder and usually improve within …

Mental Health Monday: Legacy’s Integrative Behavioral Health Approach

By Carolina Boyd, Communications Associate It’s not unusual for most of us to turn to our primary care doctor when we get sick with a cold or hurt our backs. Now, medical doctors are becoming the first stop for mental health services according to the National Institute of Mental Health. Primary care physicians provide about …

Mental Health Mondays: Helping Your Children Deal with Grief

Legacy’s Director of Therapy Services, Roma Bhatt, explains how to talk to your kids about grief. Check out her helpful tips in this video.

Sign up for a Legacy Public Health Class

A patient who is educated about their health is the best advocate for their own care. That is why we work with individuals, health care providers and communities to improve health outcomes. We are able to accomplish this through our education classes at many of our clinics and at community locations across Southeast Texas. Here …