Category Archives: Pediatrics

Prioritizing Children Safety During the Holidays

by Ashley Guidry, Communications Associate As the year slowly comes to an end, prioritizing children’s safety during get-togethers with family and friends is key to entering the holidays happy and healthy. Although most accidents are preventable, life itself is unpredictable. You can’t control every aspect of your day. According to the CDC, every hour a …

The Rise of Maternity Deserts in Texas

Maternity Deserts Texas

The existence of maternity deserts has grown at an alarming rate. How do we close this maternal health gap for a better tomorrow? by Dr. Cynthia Roland and Ashley Guidry, Communications Associate According to the March of Dimes, two million individuals across the country live in areas without access to birthing facilities. “I believe this is the …

Keeping the kiddos active this spring

Spring Activities For Your Child

What kinds of outdoor activities are there, and how do we combat allergies while we participate? By Barrett White From February until early in the summer, trees, flowers, and grasses begin to release pollen into the air. Pollen becomes the biggest allergy trigger during the springtime. “The type of allergy we see mostly is allergic …

RSV Season is Here

by Ashley Guidry, Communications Associate Coughs, colds, flu, oh my! Keep your family healthy this RSV season. Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) are cold-like symptoms that infect your lungs and respiratory tracts. The virus begins spreading around October and then all the way to the end of April. Although the virus can affect anyone, it is …

August is National Breastfeeding Month

National Breastfeeding Month

Breastfeeding, or chestfeeding, for any amount of time has significant health benefits for baby and parent. By Yanett Hodgson, IBCLC   August is National Breastfeeding Month! Per the World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action, “Breastfeeding is key to sustainable development strategies post-pandemic, as it improves nutrition, ensures food security and reduces inequalities between and within countries”. Breastfeeding, …

Understanding your poop doesn’t have to be messy business.

Stool Movement Doctors Houston

By Barrett White What does yours say about you? To find out, we had a little scat chat with a doctor.   Talking to your doctor about a sensitive topic like bowel movements can really stink. While we don’t think it’s fair to pooh-pooh your anxiety surrounding the topic as unfounded, we do want to …

Summer Break and How to Keep your Kids Active and Healthy

Healthy Tips For Children

By Rita Zapien Miles, Registered Dietitian In a few weeks, kids across our area will hear the last bell of the school year—officially welcoming the start of summer break. While this highly anticipated time away from homework sounds relaxing, too much of a break may also be unhealthy for kids.  A 2016 study by the …

National Infant Immunization Week 2022

Infant Immunizations Houston

By Carolina Boyd, Communications Associate National Infant Immunization Week is April 24- 30, 2022. This yearly observance highlights the importance of protecting children, two years and younger, from vaccine preventable diseases. Vaccines have drastically reduced infant deaths and disabilities caused by preventable diseases in the United States. Postponing early vaccines for babies and young children …

April is Defeat Diabetes Month: A Look at Diabetes Among Children and Teens

By Dr. Iliana Solano, Medical Director of Pediatrics The month of April is Defeat Diabetes Month. Diabetes rates in the United States are rising among children and teens. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the rate of new cases of diabetes among people younger than 20 years of age increased between …

April is World Autism Awareness Month

By Carolina Boyd, Communications Associate Every year the month of April is set aside as World Autism Awareness Month. The event was created as a way to raise awareness of autism or autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and promote acceptance of children and adults living with the condition. ASD refers to a broad range of conditions …

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