Category Archives: Pediatrics

Strep Throat: The Dreaded Sore Throat for Both Parents and Children

By Carolina Boyd, Communications Associate Sore throats are a common childhood ailment, especially during the cooler weather months. Most of the time, there is not much for parents to worry about but occasionally a sore throat can be the first sign of a more serious condition known as strep throat. “Strep throat is caused by …

Keeping Your Child Safe in the Car: Child Passenger Safety Awareness Week

By Carolina Boyd, Communications Associate One of the most important responsibilities parents have is to keep their children safe. Part of that duty involves child passenger safety. According to the United States Department of Transportation, motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for children in this country. That fact makes Child Passenger Safety …

September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

By Carolina Boyd, Communications Associate Winderlyon Hebert knew something was wrong when her four-year-old son Kaleb started complaining of leg pain. “He had been complaining of pain for about a week. I would rub his leg and it would temporarily relieve his pain. However, as the complaints increased, he began to develop a temperature,” said …

Is it Colic or Something Else? When Your Baby’s Crying Doesn’t Stop

By Carolina Boyd, Communications Associate A crying infant can signal many things. It can mean the baby is hungry or needs a diaper change. It may also be a sign that the baby is just very tired. However, what do you do if despite your best efforts your baby does not stop crying? You may …

World Breastfeeding Week 2021: The Benefits of Breastfeeding Your Baby

By Carolina Boyd, Communications Associate This week is World Breastfeeding Week. Every year since 1992, August 1-7 has been set aside as a time to raise awareness about the importance of breastfeeding. This year’s global theme is “Protect Breastfeeding: A Shared Responsibility.” With the world still in the midst of a global pandemic, it is …

RSV: Making a 2021 Warm Weather Comeback in Children

By Carolina Boyd Updated: July 20, 2021 The COVID-19 pandemic has made many parents more watchful for virus related symptoms in their children. However, there is another health issue that should not be overlooked—respiratory syncytial virus (RVS). This childhood virus causes mild, cold-like symptoms, as well as infections of the lungs and respiratory tract. While …

The COVID-19 Delta Variant and What You Should Know

By Carolina Boyd, Communications Associate After more than a year spent in pandemic lockdown, life seems to be getting back to a pre-COVID-19 activity level. However, the SARS-CoV-2 delta variant is causing growing concern about a resurgence of the virus. First identified in India in December of 2020, the delta variant (also known as B. …

National Infant Immunization Week 2021

By Carolina Boyd, Communications Associate As COVID-19 pandemic restrictions loosen across the country, it is important to continue to vaccinate your children. National Infant Immunization Week is April 24- May 1, 2021. This yearly observance highlights the importance of protecting children, two years and younger, from vaccine preventable diseases. Vaccines have drastically reduced infant deaths …

Uniting Together For World Autism Awareness Day

By Carolina Boyd, Communications Associate Every year April 2 marks a day in which the world unites in one common goal—to raise awareness about autism spectrum disorders (ASD).  The United Nations created World Autism Awareness Day in 2007 as a way to advocate for the rights of those living with autism. ASD refers to a …