Category Archives: Pediatrics

Teen Week—Social Media: How to Handle Your Handle

By Jessica Brown, MD, MPH Social Media: The two most transformative words of this century. I remember being in college in 2004 and being introduced to Facebook as the cool new thing to connect with people on other college campuses. You had to have a college email address to even make an account. Cut to …

Summer’s Coming—Is Your Skin Ready?

By Barrett White The temperature in Houston has been pushing 80 degrees the past couple of weekends and pollen is officially blanketing every outdoor flat surface in sight. Spring is here—but knowing Houston weather, this means summer is not far behind. As the sun-lovers emerge from their homes and make their way to the plethora …

Keeping an eye on Pink Eye

By Carolina Boyd Pink eye is one of the most common childhood illnesses. Also known as conjunctivitis, it can affect adults, as well. Pink eye is an inflammation of the thin clear tissue that lines the inside of the eyelid, as well as the white part of the eyeball. The inflammation caused by this condition …

Warmer spring months can trigger eczema flare-ups

By Carolina Boyd It is officially spring! Warmer temperatures and flowers in bloom across Texas are certainly welcome. However, this time of year can create dread for those who suffer from eczema. Eczema is an inflamed, itchy, red skin rash that tends to occur on the inner part of the elbows, behind the knees, back …

Dental sealants can protect your children’s teeth

Tooth decay is the leading chronic illness among school-age children in Texas. According to the Texas Health Institute, nearly 6 out of 10 Texas children have a history of dental decay and more than 25 percent have untreated decay. That is why it is important that children develop good oral health habits from an early …

Springtime could mean spring allergies for your child

By Carolina Boyd That yellow pollen on your car is one of the first signs that spring has sprung in the Houston area. This time of the year also means the start of spring allergy season for your little ones. The symptoms are hard to miss in your child: runny nose, sneezing, congestion, coughing, itchy …

Tackling childhood obesity in the Houston area

By Carolina Boyd Childhood obesity is one of the more pressing health concerns facing the Houston and Harris County area. According to the Houston Department of Health and Human Services, thirty-four percent of Houston’s children (age 12 and over) are overweight or obese. The problem is often rooted in the lifestyles of families. Poor food …

Legacy’s Little Readers to Celebrate Dr. Seuss’ 115th Birthday with Read Across America

By Barrett White On March 1, Legacy’s Little Readers program will participate in Read Across America Day from 10AM to 12PM. Across ten of Legacy’s Houston-area clinics, volunteers will read to Legacy’s pediatric patients and promote the culture of reading among families and community. Legacy expects to provide more than 900 children with books and …

Heart Health Begins Early in Life

By Carolina Boyd Heart disease sounds like a very adult medical issue, but it begins as early as the childhood and adolescent years. An estimated 1.3 million youths in the United States between the ages of 12 – 19 have hypertension. High blood pressure, in addition to elevated cholesterol levels and obesity, are conditions linked …

Affordable Diabetes Care in Your Own Backyard

By Barrett White Diabetes care can be such a pain. With the cost of insulin at an all-time high, it’s not uncommon to hear ghastly news stories like the artist in Houston who tragically lost his life when he couldn’t afford it, or the government employee rationing her insulin when her paychecks stopped during the …