Category Archives: Pharmacy

Legacy Recognizes National Latine HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, October 15

The observance will be recognized by Legacy with free testing and a chance to win Amazon gift cards. By Barrett White   October 15 is National Latine HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (NLAAD). According to the CDC, over one quarter of all new HIV diagnoses in the United States were among Latine individuals, and yet Latine people …

National Men’s Health Week: Getting Men to see their Doctors

Legacy’s Drs. Larry Caesar and Mark Levine discuss why men need to stop skipping their doctor visits This week is National Men’s Health Week and we’re using the observance to encourage men to take steps to better health. The purpose of Men’s Health Week is to heighten awareness of preventable health problems and encourage early …

April 18 is National Transgender HIV Testing Day. Do you know your status?

Eliminating the stigma begins with knowing your status. By Barrett White   On average, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates there are nearly 40,000 new HIV transmissions every year, with the highest rates found in the South—and of major cities in the South, Houston is a hotbed for new infections. In the most …

Legacy is still your home for medical care.

There is much confusion in these times, but Legacy wants you to know that you’re still welcome. By Barrett White   With all of the confusion around who is allowed to leave the home, and where you’re allowed to leave it to, and who is even open anyway – Legacy reminds you that we are …

Navigating the Trans Experience During Coronavirus/COVID-19

The Transgender Education Network of Texas is offering guidance for transgender patients during the pandemic. By Barrett White   The Transgender Education Network of Texas (TENT) provides shelter and safety for transgender Texans every day in the form of resources, community activism, and even grassroots work in Austin, but their work is especially important during …

Legacy Honors the 21st Annual Black HIV Awareness Day

The day is observed annually on February 7. This year’s theme is, “We’re in this together.” By Barrett White   In Harris County, nearly half of all people living with HIV are Black. Meanwhile, the Black community only makes up less than 20% of the population of Harris County. The importance of equitable HIV outreach …

Understanding Medicine Management

Medications are a part of ageing. But management of medications doesn’t have to be complicated or intimidating. By Barrett White   Medication management is the practice of properly administering medications to a patient or to oneself. In some instances, a caregiver will administer medications to a patient or a resident in a senior living facility. …

New Legacy Southwest Clinic Is Open for Business!

After a media preview on December 12, the new Legacy Southwest opened its doors to the public on Sunday the 15th. By Barrett White   The new Legacy Southwest (LSW), located at the same address of 6441 High Star Drive, is a 33,000 square-foot state-of-the-art clinic, bringing new space and a breath of fresh air …

Time to Schedule Your Child’s Back-To-School Checkup

The lazy days of summer will soon give way to the hustle and bustle of back-to-school. Before your child returns to class, now is a good time to bring him or her in for an annual wellness exam and/or sports physical. These back-to-school checkups are often the only time most children and teens visit their …

Vaccine Before Vacation: Staying healthy this summer

By Barrett White My family didn’t travel much when I was a child, we simply couldn’t afford it. But when we could afford a weekend adventure away from home, we would pile in the car and drive out to New Orleans, Dallas, Austin, or San Antonio. We never worried much about travel vaccinations, because these …

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