Category Archives: Public Affairs

Have You Enrolled in Marketplace Insurance for 2019? Deadline is tomorrow (Saturday)

By Barrett White Have you signed up for health insurance for 2019 through the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) yet? December 15 is the last day to enroll in a health care plan on the marketplace.   Marketplace insurance is for those who don’t already have insurance through their employer, Medicaid, Medicare, or the Children’s Health …

Legacy Community Health Releases Legislative Agenda and Lobby Day Schedule

Today we announced our health care priorities ahead of the 2019 Texas legislative session, which begins in January. Some key issues include school-based mental health services, telemedicine, and HIV prevention and treatment. Our longtime focus on non-discrimination protections and women’s health continues. The full policy portfolio can be found here. Moving forward, Legacy’s government relations …

Legacy Community Health Kicks Off ACA Enrollment Campaign

Legacy Community Health, the largest community health center in Texas, is launching a radio and digital advertising campaign to enroll Houstonians into the health insurance marketplace established under the Affordable Care Act. Enrollment begins November 1 and runs through December 15. Plans, which can now be previewed at, begin in January 2019. “It’s inevitable …

Administration’s Transgender Proposal Not Based on Medical Science

Legacy Community Health, the largest community health center in Texas, today opposed the Trump Administration’s effort to re-write the way transgender Americans are treated under civil rights law.  The Administration is looking into making the legal definition of sex as a “biological, immutable condition,” thereby cutting transgender people out of civil rights protections. “Stigma and …

Today is National Latino AIDS Awareness Day

By Barrett White According to the CDC, nearly one quarter of all new HIV diagnoses in the United States were among Latino individuals, and yet Latino people make up only 3% of those receiving PrEP, the pill to prevent HIV, according to the CDC’s current estimates. Launched in 2009, Greater Than AIDS is an organization …

Obamacare Enrollment for 2019 is approaching: What’s changed and what’s new

By Barrett White Are you ready to sign up for health insurance made possible by the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare? The marketplace enrollment begins on November 1 and will work like it has in previous years. The period will be 45 days, leaving you with little time to decide on your healthcare …

Big Week in Health Care if You Have a Pre-Existing Medical Condition

The Affordable Care Act, despite its flaws, has provided millions of Americans who have a pre-existing medical condition like cancer, asthma, or Alzheimer’s insurance coverage. But there’s a question as to whether those insurance protections will continue.

October 12 – 19 is National Health Center Week

The upcoming legislative session is a doozy—and we’re prepared to help our communities through it, no matter the outcome. With Texas going up against the Affordable Care Act (also known as Obamacare), it is our most vulnerable communities who stand to be affected the most. It is for that reason that we are committed to treat every person who walks through our doors with open arms and absolutely zero judgment, regardless of ability to pay. We always have, and always will.

Big News: CDC Head Evolves on Condoms and Needle Exchange Policy

By James Lee, Government Relations Manager Earlier this week, Dr. Robert Redfield, the head of the Centers for Disease Control, came out in favor of condoms and needle exchange policy as a means to combat HIV and other sexually transmitted infections. Redfield previously held a longstanding view of abstinence as a means of prevention. “I …

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