Category Archives: Public Health

Where to Find Free Meals for Children this Summer

With school out and kids at home, where can you find nutritious meals now that school lunches are unavailable? By Ashley Guidry, Communications Associate Summer is officially here! While some children may be thrilled to be out of school, others face the challenge of finding enough to eat. Texas has one of the highest rates …

Lend a Helping Hand: It’s National Volunteer Month!

Feeling inspired to make a difference in your community? Take the first step towards meaningful volunteering today! By Ashley Guidry, Communications Associate “As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands — one for helping yourself, and the other for helping others.” – Audrey Hepburn Volunteerism has a rich history in the …

Nuevos Cambios en Medicaid que benefician a las madres de Texas

Texas extenderá la cobertura para madres actuales y nuevas hasta 12 meses después del parto a partir del 1 de marzo. Por Ashley Guidry, Asociada de Comunicación En enero de 2024, los Centros Federales de Servicios de Medicare y Medicaid (CMS) aprobaron el plan de Texas para proporcionar 12 meses de cobertura de atención médica …

New Medicaid Changes that Help Texas Mothers

Texas will extend coverage for current and new moms for up to 12 months post-pregnancy beginning March 1st. By Ashley Guidry, Communications Associate In January 2024, the Federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) approved Texas’ plan to provide 12 months of postpartum health care coverage. Previously, coverage lasted two months but, with the …

Get Tested Today: February 7 is National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

Did you know that February 7th is National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day? It’s a day when we come together to learn, support, and fight against the spread of HIV and AIDS in Black communities. This year’s theme is “Engage, Educate, Empower: Uniting to End HIV/AIDS in Black Communities.” Let’s dive into what this day is …

Opening Up, One Step at a Time

Oct. 10th is World Mental Health Day, join City Hall for a live event this Tuesday in partnership with The Walk Houston. by Ashley Guidry, Communications Associate In March of this year, the University of Houston closed its building following the on-campus death of a student. This was the second suspected suicide at the university …

Have you checked out your library?

Need a place to study or learn a new skill? Your local libraries got you covered! By Ashley Guidry Now more than ever reading has proven essential to our education and overall health. Volunteers with Legacy’s Little Readers have learned low literacy among patients is tied to low health knowledge and less use of preventative …

Feeling Green? Listen to Your Gut!

Stomach pains making you feel yucky? Paying attention to your gut could turn your frown upside down. by Dr. Amelia Averyt What exactly is abdominal pain? Your abdomen houses your stomach, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, small/large intestines, and blood vessels among other connective tissues that keep these organs in place and oriented correctly. The abdomen and …

Get connected to your community!

Both Legacy and the City of Houston are sponsoring community events this spring. By Barrett White Throughout February and into the springtime months, Legacy will be hosting our own community events, as will the City of Houston. With the season just a couple months ahead, so what better time to start penciling fun community events …

Lonely on Valentine’s Day?

By Ashley Guidry If you’re living the single life and don’t have a partner to keep you company, expand your options! Spend Cupid’s holiday your way! According to the Census Bureau, about 50% of adults are single in the U.S. That’s about 126.9 million people who are unmarried. When Valentine’s Day rolls around most singles …