Category Archives: Public Health

Today is National Latino AIDS Awareness Day

By Barrett White According to the CDC, nearly one quarter of all new HIV diagnoses in the United States were among Latino individuals, and yet Latino people make up only 3% of those receiving PrEP, the pill to prevent HIV, according to the CDC’s current estimates. Launched in 2009, Greater Than AIDS is an organization …

WATCH: Who gets hurts the most under the new proposal limiting health care for legal, taxpaying immigrants? Harris County taxpayers

By Kevin Nix Many legal immigrants in Houston – those in the U.S. legally, who play by the rules, have jobs and pay taxes – work for employers who don’t offer health insurance. For decades, they have been able under “public charge” policies to utilize health insurance programs like Medicaid and the Medicare prescription drug …

HIV goes overlooked in Dallas, on the rise in Houston

By Barrett White   In a study led by Zachary Most, MD, of the Pediatric Infectious Disease department at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, it was revealed that in adolescent patients living with HIV, there were a significant number of MOEs, or “missed opportunity encounters”. These MOEs mean that these patients could have …

Where are we in the fight against breast cancer?

By Carolina Boyd As Breast Cancer Awareness Month kicks off for 2018, progress is being made in the battle against the disease. According to the American Cancer Society (ACS) breast cancer related deaths in the United States dropped 39 percent between 1989 and 2015. This good news is credited to increasingly stable incidence rates, improved …

We Should Protect Health Benefits for Legal Immigrants

By Barrett White Today Legacy announced our opposition to the new proposal limiting legal immigrants’ access to health services. For decades, under “public charge” policies, legal immigrants have been able to utilize Medicaid and the Medicare prescription drug benefit since many work for employers who don’t offer health insurance. The proposed change uses these public health …

Mental Health Mondays: Hurricane Harvey One Year Later

By Carolina Boyd, Communications Associate Hurricane Harvey was deeply traumatizing for those who lived through the monster storm.  The National Hurricane Center estimates Harvey caused $125 billion in damages, but the human cost is still being calculated. A year later, many have moved on and rebuilt both their homes and lives while others are still …

October 12 – 19 is National Health Center Week

The upcoming legislative session is a doozy—and we’re prepared to help our communities through it, no matter the outcome. With Texas going up against the Affordable Care Act (also known as Obamacare), it is our most vulnerable communities who stand to be affected the most. It is for that reason that we are committed to treat every person who walks through our doors with open arms and absolutely zero judgment, regardless of ability to pay. We always have, and always will.

Big News: CDC Head Evolves on Condoms and Needle Exchange Policy

By James Lee, Government Relations Manager Earlier this week, Dr. Robert Redfield, the head of the Centers for Disease Control, came out in favor of condoms and needle exchange policy as a means to combat HIV and other sexually transmitted infections. Redfield previously held a longstanding view of abstinence as a means of prevention. “I …