Category Archives: Public Health

It’s National HIV Testing Day. Get Tested. It’s Free.

By James Lee, Government Relations Manager Today health care providers and HIV advocacy groups from across the country highlight the importance of HIV testing and prevention nationwide. On average, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates there are nearly 40,000 new HIV transmissions every year, with the highest rates found in the South. In …

Legacy Champions 2018’s LGBT Health Awareness Week

Almost 40 years ago our roots began as a clinic for gay men during the AIDS crisis.  Then, as now, one of our guiding principles is diversity and inclusion.

Legacy honors those lost to HIV/AIDS as Houston continues fighting the epidemic

World AIDS Day

The event will honor the clinic’s roots in Houston’s AIDS crisis of the 1980s and outline next steps the city must take to end the HIV epidemic.

HIV Advocacy Week and World AIDS Day

For the first time, on the week of Nov. 27, END HIV Houston (END) will be leading a local advocacy week to bring more urgency to ending the HIV epidemic in Houston.

Get Your Flu Shot

 By Legacy Communications  Flu season is here. Here’s what you need to know. What is the Flu Vaccine? The flu vaccine is updated each to protect against the most common influenza issues. Why vaccinate? Influenza can lead to hospitalization, sometimes death. The best flu protection is to vaccinate each year. When? Flu season is between October …

Warning: STDs are on the rise

A new report from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis are on the rise in the U.S. If left untreated, these sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) can cause an increased risk of getting HIV, long-term abdominal/pelvic pain and fertility problems.

Improving the health of Legacy patients

“We’re constantly looking for ways to improve our patients’ health outcomes, not because it’s a policy mandate, but because it’s the right thing to do for our patients.” – Dr. Ann Barnes

The United States Conference on AIDS 2017: A Recap

Venita Ray, second from the right, with members of ACT NOW: END AIDS Coalition at USCA

The United States Conference on AIDS (USCA), which just convened on September 7, was an informative event, once again this year. Expected changes in the Affordable Care Act, proposed cuts to Medicaid and health care delivery were some of the key issues of discussion.

September is childhood obesity month: Here’s what you should know to keep your child healthy

Childhood Obesity Month

September is childhood obesity month. And although the month is coming to a close, preventing childhood obesity is still a health-care priority.