Category Archives: Public Health

Legacy to Observe Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

HIV Treatment Houston TX

February 7 is National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day.  By Barrett White Tuesday, February 7 is National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, a day to help stop HIV stigma and increase HIV prevention, testing, and treatment in Black communities. Black communities made up the second highest percentage of new HIV cases in Houston in the most recent …

Keeping the kiddos active this spring

Spring Activities For Your Child

What kinds of outdoor activities are there, and how do we combat allergies while we participate? By Barrett White From February until early in the summer, trees, flowers, and grasses begin to release pollen into the air. Pollen becomes the biggest allergy trigger during the springtime. “The type of allergy we see mostly is allergic …

Sitting at a desk or on your feet all day? Here are four things you can do for your back.

By Barrett White Many people spend hours at a time on their feet or seated at a desk every day. Over time, either can cause back pain if your posture isn’t very good, or if you have an underlying health condition. Both standing for long hours and sitting at a desk with poor posture can …

Arthritis flaring up? Here are a few ways to soothe it when the temperature drops.

Arthritis Relief Houston TX

By Barrett White Like oil in the moving parts of a machine, our joints are lubricated by a substance called synovial fluid. As the temperatures drop in the winter months, that fluid can become less like lubricating oil and more like molasses. While cold weather can’t cause arthritis, it can make the symptoms more unbearable. …

December 1 is World AIDS Day

World AIDS Day Houston TX

Join us this evening, December 1, at South Beach, 810 Pacific Street, to honor the observance. By Barrett White The HIV epidemic has been present in Houston for 41 years now. More than a million Americans are living with HIV, and about 10% don’t even know they’re positive. According to the most recent available data …

This is Transgender Awareness Week

Transgender Awareness Week

We mourn today as we witness another senseless act of violence on the LGBTQ+ community. Our hearts are with the families and loved ones of the five people whose lives were senselessly taken, and the eighteen others who were injured in a shooting at an LGBTQ nightclub in Colorado Springs. Today is a day to remember …

Carbs are your friend.

Healthy Diets & Carbs

By Barrett White High-carb, low-carb, no-carb? What does your body need and why? Fad diets are hard to stick to, and for that reason they often don’t work. For you to hit your goals – whether your goals are aesthetic or for better health – you’ll want to understand how nutrition works in your body, …

October Is Health Literacy Month!

By Barrett White Health literacy refers to someone’s ability to find, understand, and use information and services related to their health care. Health Literacy Month is a time for health care providers to recognize the importance of making health information easy to understand and the health care system easier to navigate. One way that health …

Generic vs. Name Brand: Is there a difference?

Generic Or Name Brand Medication

By Barrett White “If there is a generic medication available for my treatment – ever – I’m going to go for it,” says Ruston Taylor, Senior Director of Pharmacy Services & Outreach at Legacy Community Health. Taylor explains, when a medication is approved by the FDA, the brand name manufacturer holds the patent for the …

September 18 is HIV and Aging Awareness Day

Aging With HIV

By Barrett White According to the 2020 Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Annual Client-Level Data Report, 47.9 percent of RWHAP clients are aged 50 and older.   People living with HIV are getting older. That’s fantastic news – this means that HIV suppression methods are working, and that those living with HIV are living longer lives, …