Category Archives: Social Determinants of Health

¿Viajar sin una Silla de Seguridad?

Riding Without a Car Seat?

Hurricane Beryl Aftermath: A Community in Crisis

In the aftermath of Hurricane Beryl, Legacy Community Health continues to support patients and neighbors, addressing both medical and non-medical health needs. by Ashley Guidry, Communications Associate Two weeks after Hurricane Beryl hit Houston, the struggle to recover continues. Many individuals are still without power, uncertain of when their homes will be restored. What’s worse is …

Where to Find Free Meals for Children this Summer

With school out and kids at home, where can you find nutritious meals now that school lunches are unavailable? By Ashley Guidry, Communications Associate Summer is officially here! While some children may be thrilled to be out of school, others face the challenge of finding enough to eat. Texas has one of the highest rates …

Nuevos Cambios en Medicaid que benefician a las madres de Texas

Texas extenderá la cobertura para madres actuales y nuevas hasta 12 meses después del parto a partir del 1 de marzo. Por Ashley Guidry, Asociada de Comunicación En enero de 2024, los Centros Federales de Servicios de Medicare y Medicaid (CMS) aprobaron el plan de Texas para proporcionar 12 meses de cobertura de atención médica …

New Medicaid Changes that Help Texas Mothers

Texas will extend coverage for current and new moms for up to 12 months post-pregnancy beginning March 1st. By Ashley Guidry, Communications Associate In January 2024, the Federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) approved Texas’ plan to provide 12 months of postpartum health care coverage. Previously, coverage lasted two months but, with the …

July is Minority Mental Health Month

Minority Mental Health Houston

By Barrett White TW: Mental health outcomes. Mental health is often overlooked in minority communities in the United States. Let’s change that.   Across the country, millions of people face the reality of living with a mental health condition. Legacy observes National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month each July to bring awareness to the struggles …

Walk with a Doc Provides Comfortable Environment for Health Questions

Every second and fourth Saturday of the month, Legacy physician Dr. Amelia Averyt takes Houston’s southeast side on a walk in the park while answering their burning health Q’s. By Barrett White   What is more peaceful than a walk in the park? Dr. Amelia Averyt, a physician at Legacy Santa Clara on the east …

Nutritious, Simple, and Cheap: Meal Plans from a Legacy Dietician

By Barrett White Cooking for a family—or cooking multiple meals for a single person meal prep—doesn’t have to be difficult, time consuming, or expensive. In fact, stopping for fast food to satisfy the hunger pangs, even just to order off the dollar menu, adds up quick and is easily more expensive in the long run …

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