Category Archives: Uncategorized

Measles Outbreak In Texas

Right now, Texas is experiencing its most severe measles outbreak in 30 years. This outbreak has already resulted in the first measles-related death in the United States in a decade, that of an unvaccinated school-aged child. “The current measles outbreak is concerning given how many people have been affected in such a short period of …

Nutrition Tips for Latino Families During the Holidays and Celebrations

Holidays and big family celebrations are a time of joy, togetherness, and, of course, delicious food. For many Latino families, cherished cultural traditions revolve around the table, making it essential to balance these get-togethers with health-conscious choices. These gatherings often feature rich, calorie-dense dishes that, while delicious, can pose challenges when maintaining a healthy diet. …

Legacy Highlights the Importance of School-Based Health Care and Mental Health Support

Schools play a critical role in shaping students’ mental and physical well-being. At Legacy Community Health, we understand that our School-Based Health Care Clinics are a vital part of our mission of connecting communities to quality medical care, making it easier for families to access care without sacrificing time, education, or resources. Mental health concerns …

American Heart Month: Prioritizing Heart Health for a Stronger Future

February is American Heart Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness about cardiovascular health and encouraging people to make heart-healthy choices. At Legacy Community Health, we recognize the importance of prevention, education, and access to care in reducing heart disease risks and improving overall well-being. Heart health is essential for everyone, but for women going …

The Urgent Fight Against HIV in Black Communities: Legacy Community Health Leads the Way

HIV continues to devastate Black communities in Houston and across the U.S., fueled by systemic inequities that demand immediate action. In Harris County, Black Houstonians account for 50% of new HIV diagnoses despite being only 18% of the population—a staggering disparity (Harris County Public Health, Richon Ohafia, MPH). Nationally, the numbers are equally alarming: Black …

Remembering Donnell Walker: A Legacy of Inspiration and Wellness

We are deeply saddened to announce the passing of Donnell Walker in January after a brief illness. Donnell’s journey with Legacy Community Health began as a patient and evolved into a role that touched countless lives. Donnell first came to Legacy as a patient, seeking to improve his health. His determination and success in his …

Vaccinate at Legacy: Protecting Our Community from Meningococcal Disease

Vaccinate at Legacy: Protecting Our Community from Meningococcal Disease When a student was diagnosed at HISD’s Bonham Elementary School with Meningococcal Disease last fall, parents were understandably concerned. Meningococcal disease is caused by Neisseria meningitidis bacteria and can lead to meningitis, which is swelling of the brain and spinal cord lining. It also causes bloodstream …

Creating An Impactful Career at Legacy Community Health from Residency And Beyond

A medical career is one of the most important and impactful paths someone can choose. It offers the chance to heal, support, and make a lasting difference in people’s lives. Whether you’re early in your career or are already an experienced doctor seeking new opportunities, choosing the right place to make a contribution is a …

Embracing a Family Fit Lifestyle

January marks a fresh start to every year, and as Family Fit Lifestyle Month, it’s also the perfect opportunity to kick things off with a focus on health and wellbeing! At Legacy Community Health, we want to ensure everyone has access to the resources and support they need to become and stay fit. The Importance …

Consejos de Seguridad para Adultos Mayores en Clima Frío

El clima invernal puede representar serios riesgos para las personas mayores, desde la hipotermia hasta caídas y otros desafíos de salud. Debido a factores relacionados con la edad, como una circulación reducida o condiciones de enfermedades crónicas, las personas mayores son particularmente vulnerables durante los meses fríos. La planificación proactiva es clave para mantenerse seguro …

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