Patricia Dolan - Making a difference by Planning for the Future

Patricia Dolan

Patricia Dolan spent her career helping people access the health care and social services they otherwise would have gone without, first as a social worker at a north Houston non-profit, and then as a director of volunteer services and patient relations at a large hospital in the Texas Medical Center. “My passion for that work didn’t end when I retired,” she says. “I still want to serve others and help them get the care they need, even if it’s not technically my job these days.”

For Patricia, that means being charitable with her time, talent, and treasure by volunteering at Bayou Bend Collection and Gardens, serving on the Board of Directors for Be A Resource (BEAR) for CPS Kids, and giving back through philanthropy. “I’m fortunate enough to be able to donate regularly to causes that mean a lot to me,” she says, “and I want that to continue even when I’m not around anymore.” A planned gift was the perfect way for Patricia to ensure she makes an impact on those in need after her soul has moved on.

Making this planned gift—sometimes called an estate gift—wasn’t complicated and didn’t require unlimited resources, as Patricia quickly found out. “I filled out a form, made a change to my will, and that was it,” says Patricia. “I checked with my financial advisor, but he signed off immediately. And just like that, I had made a plan to continue supporting my fellow Houstonians in the years to come.”

Patricia is especially interested in making sure pregnant women access prenatal care and newborns are able to receive pediatric care. “Prenatal and pediatric services are vitally important because they set patients on the path to good health for the rest of their lives,” she says. “I know that Legacy delivers these services to anyone who needs them, and that demand for these services will only increase as the population grows. Making a bequest was the right choice because it meant I could help Legacy plan for the future.”

“I don’t have millions of dollars to leave behind,” Patricia says, “but I know that Legacy appreciates my gift and that they will be conscientious about how they steward my donation.” Patricia knows from experience how important public support is to non-profit agencies like Legacy, and this made her decision even easier.

“Legacy offers so much to the community and provides the dental, vision, and mental health services so many people go without. I wanted to be a part of their long-term mission,” Patricia says, “so I made a plan for my future and theirs.”

Patricia agrees that health care is a right, not a privilege. Her planned gift will help Legacy ensure that our patients are able to live healthy, happy, and productive lives for years to come.

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