Serving our pediatric patients during times of uncertainty

By Carolina Boyd

COVID-19 has uprooted daily routines and increased concerns for parents when it comes to keeping their children healthy and safe. That is why it is more important than ever to stay current on your child’s medical appointments. Legacy Community Health wants parents to know that we are here for them and their children.

Our team of doctors and medical staff continue to provide pediatric care regardless of age. For example, in the months following the birth of a baby, it is important that newborns get regular pediatric visits. If you have a scheduled visit for your child just know that our locations are still open and caring for patients.

We have implemented additional patient and visitor safety measures including:

  • Screening all patients and staff at doors before they enter our clinics, as well as positioning screeners in well-patient waiting areas.
  • Increasing the cleaning and disinfecting of clinics.
  • Implementing appropriate spacing within the clinics to limit any potential COVID-19 spread.
  • Requesting patients to limit the number of guests they bring with them into clinics.
  • Providing telemedicine for behavioral health patients to reduce potential exposure.
  • Asking more Legacy staff to work remotely.

Our philosophy is simple: We think children in our community should be connected to the best possible care, regardless of ability to pay, and that parents should have the confidence and assurance of knowing their child’s care is as exceptional as it is personal.

Our pediatric services are just part of Legacy’s commitment to bring comprehensive wrap-around services to all of our neighbors and to open our doors, our arms, and our hearts to everyone in the community.

Thank you for trusting us with your health. For more information speak to your child’s Legacy pediatric health care provider at 832-548-5000 or visit

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