Walk with a Doc Provides Comfortable Environment for Health Questions

Every second and fourth Saturday of the month, Legacy physician Dr. Amelia Averyt takes Houston’s southeast side on a walk in the park while answering their burning health Q’s.

By Barrett White


What is more peaceful than a walk in the park? Dr. Amelia Averyt, a physician at Legacy Santa Clara on the east side, is utilizing this peaceful pastime to get active with the Lawndale-Wayside community while answering their health questions through the nationwide Walk with a Doc program.

“We go beyond health care at the onset,” Dr. Averyt says of her walks. “We start kind of generally and get to know each other because it’s nice to have friends, too.”

The meetups are low-pressure, casual fun: Attendees meet up with Dr. Averyt and her colleague, fellow Legacy Santa Clara physician Dr. Justin Lantz, at the predetermined starting location specified below. The docs introduce themselves and the walk-and-talk begins.

“There is sometimes movement between groups,” Dr. Averyt describes. “Sometimes it’s a group of three or four people, sometimes it’s a one-on-one conversation. Topics of conversation can range across all topics. It’s all very natural.”

Dr. Averyt’s Walk with a Doc meetup isn’t the only one in town, either. If you would like to participate in the event, but cannot make it to the Lawndale-Wayside neighborhood where Dr. Averyt’s walks take place, you can find a walk local to you at this link by inputting your ZIP code.

“Walk with a Doc is more than just a walk,” Dr. Averyt says. “We address exercise, health education, social connection, and connection to nature – all of which can improve a patient’s physical and mental health.”

And there are prizes for patients who come out to three or more, she adds.

To meet up with Dr. Averyt for one of her Walk with a Doc sessions, lace up your walking shoes, pack a bottle of water, and head to the park on the second and fourth Saturday of the month at 1:00 PM.

  • On the second Saturday, you may join her at the basketball courts at Fonde Park (5500 Carrolton Street).
  • On the fourth Saturday you may join her around the flagpole at the community center at Mason Park (541 S. 75th Street).
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