Understanding your poop doesn’t have to be messy business.

Stool Movement Doctors Houston

By Barrett White What does yours say about you? To find out, we had a little scat chat with a doctor.   Talking to your doctor about a sensitive topic like bowel movements can really stink. While we don’t think it’s fair to pooh-pooh your anxiety surrounding the topic as unfounded, we do want to …

What is “sleep hygiene” and why does it matter?

Healthy Sleep Habits Houston

By Barrett White Paying attention to the quality and quantity of rest you get is a major key to good overall health.   Do you wake up each morning feeling exhausted, or have trouble falling asleep in the first place? There are plenty of reasons your sleep might be out of whack, but don’t worry …

Raising a teen: How can we meet their needs?

Teenager Communication Tips

By Barrett White We remember our teen years: What did we need? How do we provide for those needs for our kids?   There is probably no other time in our lives wherein so much change takes place in such a limited amount of time. Puberty (and everything that entails); budding relationships; preparation for college, …

May is Healthy Vision Month—a Perfect Time to Take Steps to Protect Your Vision

Healthy Vision Houston

By Dr. Jerson Desiderio, OD Every May, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention partners with the National Eye Institute to encourage all Americans to make vision a health priority and at the same time raise awareness about the necessity of regular eyecare. While older adults tend to have more vision problems, many children …

Time for a lifestyle change? How partners can help each other through it.

Mentally Healthy Lifestyles

By Barrett White Supporting your partner in a lifestyle change journey is a love language in and of itself.   Maybe it’s a different sleep schedule, an exercise regimen, or a new nutritional plan. Tackling a significant lifestyle change can be difficult, so proper support from the individual’s partner is crucial. So, if your partner …

Summer Break and How to Keep your Kids Active and Healthy

Healthy Tips For Children

By Rita Zapien Miles, Registered Dietitian In a few weeks, kids across our area will hear the last bell of the school year—officially welcoming the start of summer break. While this highly anticipated time away from homework sounds relaxing, too much of a break may also be unhealthy for kids.  A 2016 study by the …

National Infant Immunization Week 2022

Infant Immunizations Houston

By Carolina Boyd, Communications Associate National Infant Immunization Week is April 24- 30, 2022. This yearly observance highlights the importance of protecting children, two years and younger, from vaccine preventable diseases. Vaccines have drastically reduced infant deaths and disabilities caused by preventable diseases in the United States. Postponing early vaccines for babies and young children …

Defeat Diabetes Month: A Look at Diabetes and Aging

Diabetes Care Center Houston

By Dr. Joanna Ira, Geriatrician at Legacy Stafford Fountains Clinic Diabetes is the seventh leading cause of death in the United States. April has been declared Defeat Diabetes Month to raise awareness about the impact of the disease among our nation’s aging population. According to the American Diabetes Association, a quarter of Americans over the …

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