Legacy Community Health marked this year’s Pride month with outreach, education, and celebratory events in Houston and Beaumont to honor the history, struggles, and accomplishments of the LGBTQ community.  “From the moment we opened…our staff and volunteers have been the embodiment of what it means to be PROUD,” said Russell Etherton, Legacy Montrose Community Relations Manager. “We live and breathe PRIDE here at Legacy, every day in every way.”

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Noble Energy joined us to march in the Pride parade. This year Legacy decorated a flatbed truck with flowers and fun, with a DJ on board! Click here for more photos of the evening.

Legacy Beaumont and The Publicity hosted The White Party for a festive night of fun celebrating Pride. Legacy provided free testing, swag bags, and PrEP information. Photos here!

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Houston photographer Eric Edward Schell launched P.R.I.D.E. Portraits after the Orlando Pulse tragedy. Legacy employees and friends who had their photos taken, captioned with their words of support for the LGBTQ community here.