Policymakers on Different Planet than a Supermajority of Texans on Medicaid Expansion

By: Brianna DAlessio South, Marketing Specialist

It’s widely known the state of Texas refuses to expand Medicaid, or something similar to it. But a supermajority of Texas (63%) favor it, according to a new survey released by The Texas Medical Center Health Policy Institute in Houston.

“Both Texas and Florida, the residents there are hurting and are turning to the idea of Medicaid expansion,” said Dr. Tim Garson, the director of the Health Policy Institute.

A majority also had complaints regarding quality of health care, and an overwhelming 65% were forced to pay out of pocket for health care services this past year.

Poll respondents also turned to emergency rooms for health aliments they admitted weren’t emergencies because their doctor’s office was closed and they needed immediate care access.

Photo Credit: Chris Potter  https://www.flickr.com/photos/86530412@N02/8266476742/




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