Tag Archives: Advocacy

Legacy Honors the 21st Annual Black HIV Awareness Day

The day is observed annually on February 7. This year’s theme is, “We’re in this together.” By Barrett White   In Harris County, nearly half of all people living with HIV are Black. Meanwhile, the Black community only makes up less than 20% of the population of Harris County. The importance of equitable HIV outreach …

Save the Date: 2020 Legacy HIV Day in our Nation’s Capital

By Carolina Boyd The New Year brings a first for Legacy Community Health. Texas’ largest Federally Qualified Health Center is hosting its first-ever HIV Day in Washington, DC on March 29-31, 2020. The event is being held in conjunction with AIDS United’s AIDSWatch 2020. Three Legacy patients will be selected to attend the event through …

The Houston Homeless Crisis: Legacy collecting donations throughout August

According to an annual census, the homeless population in Houston has dropped since 2011. For those still on the streets, collaborations between organizations like Legacy, The Montrose Center, and Healthcare for the Homeless are essential. By Barrett White   “Social determinants of health” might be a mouthful to say, but it’s a term we should …

Houston and Beaumont Celebrate 50 Years of the Modern LGBTQ Movement

It’s been 50 years since the birth of the modern LGBTQ liberation movement. How two cities—one that has celebrated Pride for five years, and one for over forty—are showing up for equality. By Barrett White   Incredibly, it’s been 50 years since the modern movement toward LGBTQ rights was kicked off at the Stonewall Inn …

Mythbusting the HIV stigma

By Barrett White   If you’re unsure how HIV is spread, or how to prevent it, you’re not alone. Is AIDS the same thing as HIV? Is there a cure for AIDS? We took these common questions, beliefs, and misconceptions into consideration and created this handy mythbusters guide to HIV/AIDS with the help of Legacy’s …

The Texas Legislature is now open for official business

Legacy Community Health Policy Agenda

By Barrett White   Both inside and outside the halls of government, Legacy’s public affairs practice moves public policy at the state and federal levels to improve the lives of the patients and communities we serve. Today marks the beginning of the 86th Texas legislature—this session, Legacy will be tackling topics at the state and …

Legacy Community Health Releases Legislative Agenda and Lobby Day Schedule

Today we announced our health care priorities ahead of the 2019 Texas legislative session, which begins in January. Some key issues include school-based mental health services, telemedicine, and HIV prevention and treatment. Our longtime focus on non-discrimination protections and women’s health continues. The full policy portfolio can be found here. Moving forward, Legacy’s government relations …

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