Tag Archives: Autism

Care for Caregivers on World Autism Day

World Autism Day: Caregiver Advise

By Dr. Dana Kober, Psychiatrist It’s World Autism Awareness Day. And while many are focused on bringing more awareness to the condition, I’d like to take this time to draw attention to those caring for those with autism – the caregivers. Caring for children with autism can be quite stressful. Studies have shown caregivers of …

Top 7 Reasons to Choose Legacy Pediatrics

Legacy Pediatrics

Our goal is to provide parents with accurate, quality medical information affecting their kids and diverse communities in which they live. Keeping children healthy begins at home – well before we see them as patients!

Autism Disorder: What to Know

Autism Spectrum Houston TX

Autism spectrum disorder is a lack of social interaction, combined with problems in communication, speech and non-verbal means, as well as problems with needing things to be routinized—expressing order, sameness or routines as part of their daily structure.

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