Tag Archives: Baytown

Mental Health Mondays: Finding the Right Therapist for You

Life can bring challenges that are often too difficult to face alone. In many cases, therapy or counseling may help. But how do you go about finding the best therapist for you? One of the most important things to remember when looking for the right mental health professional for you is that you feel comfortable with that person.

October 12 – 19 is National Health Center Week

The upcoming legislative session is a doozy—and we’re prepared to help our communities through it, no matter the outcome. With Texas going up against the Affordable Care Act (also known as Obamacare), it is our most vulnerable communities who stand to be affected the most. It is for that reason that we are committed to treat every person who walks through our doors with open arms and absolutely zero judgment, regardless of ability to pay. We always have, and always will.

For LGBT youth, self-harm and suicide rates are double that of their peers

By Barrett White   August means it’s back-to-school time. For some youth, this might be a time for reuniting with friends they haven’t seen for two months, settling into a new schedule, and dreading the early mornings that have eluded them all summer. For others, this time of year is not so benign—the threats of …

Mental Health Mondays: Back to School, Back to Anxiety

By Dr. Teandra Gordon, LMFT-S, Clinical Director of School-Based Behavioral Health The last days of summer vacation are coming to a close for students across the Houston area. Many will be headed back to school soon. It is an exciting time, but for many kids it is also a time of great anxiety. The start …

Where Things Stand on Obamacare (AKA the Affordable Care Act)

By Barrett White   This isn’t the first time the state of Texas has sued the federal government in its opposition to the Affordable Care Act. But this time Texas Republicans may actually have the advantage needed to take Obamacare down. The Lay of the Land: Texas filed the suit earlier this year, arguing the …

Back-to-School Means Time for Sports Physicals

By Carolina Boyd The beginning of the new school year is just around the corner and Legacy Community Health, Houston’s largest non-profit community health system, wants to remind parents that now is the time to schedule their children’s sports physicals. The state of Texas requires annual sports physicals (or pre-participation exams) for any student who …

PSA: “The Voice in Your Head”

Watch our new PSA and accompanying longer video to see what intimate partner violence is and how to stop it.

Pregnancy to Pediatrics: Legacy’s New Program for New Moms and Their Babies

The journey to parenthood can be both a joyous and stressful time for many women. To help our patients on that journey, Legacy launched a new initiative focusing on that crucial period when a woman finds she is pregnant, through her pregnancy and delivery, and the baby’s first year of life.

Get Your Zzzz’s: The Role of Sleep in Mental Health

About a third of all Americans get less than the recommended seven hours or more of sleep a night. While an occasional bout of sleeplessness may not be anything to worry about, chronic sleep problems have been linked to many mental health issues including depression, anxiety and bipolar disorder.

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