Tag Archives: Beaumont

Dr. Barnes, Chief Medical Officer of Legacy, Receives YWCA Honor

The YWCA released their 2016 honorable nominations this past week regarding Houston’s Outstanding Women. These nominations recognize immense leadership in fields throughout Houston and our very own Dr. Ann Barnes was one of the recipients. The Houston Chronicle profiled the nominees this week and offered their congratulations to all the winners.  Dr. Barnes will be …

LGBT Health Awareness Week Focuses on Whole Health & Mind

LGBT Health Week Logo

This week is LGBT Health Awareness, which is celebrated around the country by organizations and groups, community advocates, and elected officials. The annual event is in its 14th year and is focusing its efforts on whole health and mind.

Autism Disorder: What to Know

Autism Spectrum Houston TX

Autism spectrum disorder is a lack of social interaction, combined with problems in communication, speech and non-verbal means, as well as problems with needing things to be routinized—expressing order, sameness or routines as part of their daily structure.

Major Depression Should Be Treated Like Any Other Serious Medical Condition

Depression Treatment Houston TX

Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) is one of the most common mental illnesses that we as mental health professionals treat on a daily basis. MDD differs from occasional sadness that most of us experience; it often includes a more pervasive sad mood and/or an inability to feel joy, hopelessness, physical symptoms, and a significant impairment in …

PrEP: A Game changer in HIV Prevention

In America, new HIV-infection rates continuing to rise in many at-risk communities, prevention is the key in getting to zero new HIV infections. A new option in HIV prevention is pre-exposure prophylaxis, also known as PrEP. PrEP is a powerful HIV prevention tool that, when combined with other prevention methods, can greatly reduce a person’s …

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