Tag Archives: Behavioral Health

Legacy Highlights the Importance of School-Based Health Care and Mental Health Support

Schools play a critical role in shaping students’ mental and physical well-being. At Legacy Community Health, we understand that our School-Based Health Care Clinics are a vital part of our mission of connecting communities to quality medical care, making it easier for families to access care without sacrificing time, education, or resources. Mental health concerns …

Calling all New Moms! Are You Aware of PMADs?

Becoming a mom is often portrayed as a joyful experience, but the reality can be quite different. By Ashley Guidry, Communications Associate Pregnancy and early motherhood naturally come with their share of worries – after all, no one said it was easy. The journey to becoming a new mom is packed with challenges that can …

Cultural Competence in Mental Health Care: How Legacy Closes the Gap

TW: Mental health outcomes. Mental health is often overlooked in minority communities in the United States. Let’s change that. Across the country, millions of people face the reality of living with a mental health condition. Each July, Legacy observes National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month to bring attention to the unique challenges that minoritized communities …

Opening Up, One Step at a Time

Oct. 10th is World Mental Health Day, join City Hall for a live event this Tuesday in partnership with The Walk Houston. by Ashley Guidry, Communications Associate In March of this year, the University of Houston closed its building following the on-campus death of a student. This was the second suspected suicide at the university …

Overcoming burnout: Tips for work and school

How not to dread your next meeting or lecture. By Barrett White Heavy workloads, deadlines, screen time, pressure, and stress – these are all typical challenges of work and school. But for these challenges to push you to the point of burnout is a problem. But what is burnout? Aside from stress, the Harvard Business …

Emotional Wellness after Domestic Violence

The Effects Of Domestic Violence

by Ashley Guidry, Communications Associate Emotional Wellness is defined as properly coping with life and developing healthy relationships. October is recognized as the month to monitor your emotional health and check on your loved ones. The pandemic has emotionally changed us in ways most of us may never recover from. To social injustices then food …

Raising a teen: How can we meet their needs?

Teenager Communication Tips

By Barrett White We remember our teen years: What did we need? How do we provide for those needs for our kids?   There is probably no other time in our lives wherein so much change takes place in such a limited amount of time. Puberty (and everything that entails); budding relationships; preparation for college, …

July is Minority Mental Health Month

Minority Mental Health Houston

By Barrett White TW: Mental health outcomes. Mental health is often overlooked in minority communities in the United States. Let’s change that.   Across the country, millions of people face the reality of living with a mental health condition. Legacy observes National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month each July to bring awareness to the struggles …

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