Tag Archives: Dementia

The Importance of Early Dementia Diagnosis

Imagine walking into a room and suddenly forgetting why you’re there. This happens to many of us, although those moments are usually fleeting and therefore not cause for greater concern. However, for the millions of Americans living with dementia, such a lapse signals something deeper. Yet despite the prevalence of dementia, a large portion of …

Legacy Community Health’s Comprehensive Support for Alzheimer’s Care

If you assume that Alzheimer’s is inevitable for those with a genetic predisposition, research has shown that isn’t necessarily true. There are things that you can do to slow down or even prevent some of the more severe aspects of the disease. Navigating an Alzheimer’s diagnosis can feel overwhelming, but with Legacy Community Health’s support, …

How to Spot Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s disease is a type of dementia that affects millions of individuals and their families worldwide, reshaping the lives of those it touches in deeply personal ways. What Is Alzheimer’s Disease? Alzheimer’s disease is a condition that gradually impairs memory, thinking, and behavior to the point that it interferes with daily life. It’s believed to …

What are the health benefits of a board game night?

Board Game Health Benefits

Unplugging and enjoying a good card or board game could come with mental and social benefits. By Barrett White Board game sales are up and it’s easy to see why. More and more, people are unplugging and enjoying the familiar comforts of tabletop board games. As we break into 2023, it only becomes clearer each …

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