Tag Archives: Depression

When the Sun Brings SADness

Feeling SAD this summer? Allow us to shed some light on this lesser-known disorder. by Ashley Guidry Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a major depressive disorder, mania or hypomania with a seasonal pattern. Regular depression affects 1 in 5 American citizens. SAD, however, on a much smaller scale affects about 5 percent of adults. It …

Overcoming burnout: Tips for work and school

How not to dread your next meeting or lecture. By Barrett White Heavy workloads, deadlines, screen time, pressure, and stress – these are all typical challenges of work and school. But for these challenges to push you to the point of burnout is a problem. But what is burnout? Aside from stress, the Harvard Business …

May is Mental Health Awareness Month

Updated: May 10, 2022 By Carolina Boyd, Communications Associate May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Observed since 1949, the event helps to promote mental health education and support, with the goal of decreasing the stigma that is so often associated with mental illness. Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, millions of Americans were experiencing stress, trauma, …

Anxious Adolescents: Helping Teens Through the Ongoing Lockdown

A recent study by the Rox Institute found that nearly 80% of adolescents studied reported feeling lonelier since the lockdown began. By Barrett White   We’ve heard of “FOMO” – the “fear of missing out.” These days however, while we’re all shut into our homes in order to protect our communities from the ongoing pandemic, …

The Baby Blues or is it Something More?

By Kristina Delhomme, Director—Therapy Services Having a new baby is supposed to be a joyous time. Unfortunately, many families do not get the opportunity to enjoy this time to the fullest. Perinatal mood and anxiety disorders (PMADs) such as postpartum depression and anxiety can dim the light of the joy a newborn brings. This is …

Taking the Stress Out of the Holidays

By Carolina Boyd For many the holidays are the most wonderful time of the year, but the season can also be stressful. According to the American Psychological Association, 38 percent of people say their stress level increases during the holiday.  Unrealistic expectations, financial pressures and excessive time commitments are common stressors.  Fortunately there are ways …

Mental Health Monday: Legacy’s Integrative Behavioral Health Approach

By Carolina Boyd, Communications Associate It’s not unusual for most of us to turn to our primary care doctor when we get sick with a cold or hurt our backs. Now, medical doctors are becoming the first stop for mental health services according to the National Institute of Mental Health. Primary care physicians provide about …

Mental Health Monday: Better Diet, Better Mental Health

By Sean Barrett, Registered Dietitian It’s no secret that a healthy diet is good for you but did you know it can also be good for your mental health? There is a growing evidence that the food we eat is strongly connected to our behavior and emotions.  While there is no specific diet that has …

When Others Don’t Understand Your Mental Health Condition

By Meg Duke, Behavioral Health Consultant, Legacy Fifth Ward When you are dealing with depression or any mental health condition, it can be difficult to talk about it.  Offhand comments—whether born of ignorance or arrogance—can cut to the bone.  That is why it is important to have a group of family and friends to support …

Depression: Breast Cancer’s Forgotten Side Effect

By Winderlyon Hebert, Associate Therapy Director A diagnosis of breast cancer can bring a wave of different emotions for a woman. Feelings of sadness, fear, anger and grief are considered normal.  The shock of receiving such life changing news qualifies as a major stressor, so it’s no surprise that depression and anxiety are common among …

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