Tag Archives: East End

Watch “The Legacy Story”

Legacy has transformed from the little-clinic-that-could of the 1980s into an entire community health system, today made up of 29 locations, across Southeast Texas. While growth is good, we are just trying to keep up with the unfortunate – and growing – demand for high-quality, affordable health care. Watch the new video.

Legislative Update: Health care bill, maternal mortality, bathrooms

Legacy’s mission is providing healthy change in diverse communities across Southeast Texas – both inside and outside the exam room. As part of that outside strategy, we care about legislative issues that impact the patients and broader communities we serve. Here are three policy areas we’ll be monitoring and engaging in over the coming weeks.

Senate vote on health care bill postponed. But Harris County health care costs still projected to increase under current proposal.

In a new report on the Senate health care proposal, the Kaiser Family Foundation estimates insurance premiums could increase up to 240 percent for some Southeast Texans on marketplace plans.

Myths about Children’s Behavioral Health

Mental health is an important aspect of any child’s social and cognitive development, but there are a couple of myths floating around about children’s behavioral health. We debunk them.

Early Diagnosis and Intervention of Autism Can Help. So Can Legacy’s Support Group for Parents.

A neighbor, a kid in your child’s class, your boss’s daughter, someone in your church: It seems we are hearing more and more children are being diagnosed with Autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

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