Tag Archives: family medicine

Cold Weather Safety Tips for Seniors

Winter weather can pose serious risks for seniors, from hypothermia to falls and other health challenges. Seniors are particularly vulnerable during the colder months due to age-related factors such as reduced circulation or chronic health conditions. Proactive planning is key to staying safe and healthy during the season. Caregivers also play an essential role in …

Prioritizing Children Safety During the Holidays

by Ashley Guidry, Communications Associate As the year slowly comes to an end, prioritizing children’s safety during get-togethers with family and friends is key to entering the holidays happy and healthy. Although most accidents are preventable, life itself is unpredictable. You can’t control every aspect of your day. According to the CDC, every hour a …

What is causing the dramatic syphilis rise in Houston?

Dr. Rubina Joseph did an excellent job on her first live TV interview sharing her expertise on the rise in STD cases. Call (832) 548-5000 to get tested!

How does your immune system work?

What’s going on inside our bodies that protects us from sickness? By Barrett White Your body has a special defense inside it. Like an army that exists just to protect you! Existing microscopically inside you, this small-but-mighty army is your immune system. Your immune system exists to protect you from outside threats, like bacteria, viruses, …

Feeling Green? Listen to Your Gut!

Stomach pains making you feel yucky? Paying attention to your gut could turn your frown upside down. by Dr. Amelia Averyt What exactly is abdominal pain? Your abdomen houses your stomach, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, small/large intestines, and blood vessels among other connective tissues that keep these organs in place and oriented correctly. The abdomen and …

Why your sleep schedule is important for your health

What is sleep and why do we need it? By Barrett White For adults ages 18-64, roughly 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night are necessary for proper bodily and cognitive function. Adults who get fewer hours of sleep per night on a regular basis may risk mood shifts and cognitive decline, like experiencing …

Your favorite comfort foods with a healthy twist

Food has a deep connection to culture. Beyond that, sometimes it just makes you feel good! By Barrett White We didn’t give certain dishes the name “comfort foods” for nothing. It’s food that has deep emotional ties to you: Maybe the dish has cultural significance It reminds you of your childhood, or otherwise simpler times …

Can watching sports put you in time-out?

By Ashley Guidry In honor of the big game this weekend, let’s answer the real questions sports fans are curious about. Whether football, soccer, baseball, or hockey, nothing gets the blood pumping like good ol’ sports. Fans of all ages can relate to the euphoric feeling of game day, yet have any of us really …

What are the health benefits of a board game night?

Board Game Health Benefits

Unplugging and enjoying a good card or board game could come with mental and social benefits. By Barrett White Board game sales are up and it’s easy to see why. More and more, people are unplugging and enjoying the familiar comforts of tabletop board games. As we break into 2023, it only becomes clearer each …

Keeping the kiddos active this spring

Spring Activities For Your Child

What kinds of outdoor activities are there, and how do we combat allergies while we participate? By Barrett White From February until early in the summer, trees, flowers, and grasses begin to release pollen into the air. Pollen becomes the biggest allergy trigger during the springtime. “The type of allergy we see mostly is allergic …