Tag Archives: Fifth Ward

Protecting Our Community: Addressing Lead Poisoning Risks in Houston’s Fifth Ward

By Legacy Community Health Lead contamination is a pressing threat in Houston’s Fifth Ward with recent reports, including a Houston Chronicle report on a Texas A&M soil study, exposing alarming levels of lead in local soil—levels four times higher than the state average. Dr. Vanita Agrawal, Adult Medicine specialist at Legacy Community Health, explains that …

The Role of Trusted Pharmacists in Patient Health

Pharmacies play an indispensable role in ensuring patients have access to the medications they need. Finding a reputable pharmacy with pharmacists who have the necessary education and training is therefore critical. However, the quality and expertise patients receive can vary significantly depending on the type of pharmacy they choose. Legacy Community Health is committed to …

May is Healthy Vision Month—a Perfect Time to Take Steps to Protect Your Vision

Healthy Vision Houston

By Dr. Jerson Desiderio, OD Every May, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention partners with the National Eye Institute to encourage all Americans to make vision a health priority and at the same time raise awareness about the necessity of regular eyecare. While older adults tend to have more vision problems, many children …

Summer Break and How to Keep your Kids Active and Healthy

Healthy Tips For Children

By Rita Zapien Miles, Registered Dietitian In a few weeks, kids across our area will hear the last bell of the school year—officially welcoming the start of summer break. While this highly anticipated time away from homework sounds relaxing, too much of a break may also be unhealthy for kids.  A 2016 study by the …

National Infant Immunization Week 2022

Infant Immunizations Houston

By Carolina Boyd, Communications Associate National Infant Immunization Week is April 24- 30, 2022. This yearly observance highlights the importance of protecting children, two years and younger, from vaccine preventable diseases. Vaccines have drastically reduced infant deaths and disabilities caused by preventable diseases in the United States. Postponing early vaccines for babies and young children …

Defeat Diabetes Month: A Look at Diabetes and Aging

Diabetes Care Center Houston

By Dr. Joanna Ira, Geriatrician at Legacy Stafford Fountains Clinic Diabetes is the seventh leading cause of death in the United States. April has been declared Defeat Diabetes Month to raise awareness about the impact of the disease among our nation’s aging population. According to the American Diabetes Association, a quarter of Americans over the …

Defeat Diabetes Month: Gestational Diabetes

Diabetes Prevention Houston TX

By Dr. Rachel Robinson, Medical Director of OB/GYN April is Defeat Diabetes Month—a time to raise awareness about gestational diabetes. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), between two and ten percent of pregnancies in this country are impacted by this condition. Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is a form of diabetes …

April is Defeat Diabetes Month: A Look at Diabetes Among Children and Teens

By Dr. Iliana Solano, Medical Director of Pediatrics The month of April is Defeat Diabetes Month. Diabetes rates in the United States are rising among children and teens. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the rate of new cases of diabetes among people younger than 20 years of age increased between …

April is World Autism Awareness Month

By Carolina Boyd, Communications Associate Every year the month of April is set aside as World Autism Awareness Month. The event was created as a way to raise awareness of autism or autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and promote acceptance of children and adults living with the condition. ASD refers to a broad range of conditions …

Social Work Month: How Social Workers are Making a Difference for Legacy Patients

Social Worker Contributions - Houston TX

By Carolina Boyd, Communications Associate During the month of March, we celebrate the contributions social workers have been making in the United States for over a century. Throughout the profession’s history, social workers have sought to ensure that all people have access to resources to meet their basic needs. Across the Houston and Southeast Texas, …

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