Tag Archives: Fifth Ward

Depression: Breast Cancer’s Forgotten Side Effect

By Winderlyon Hebert, Associate Therapy Director A diagnosis of breast cancer can bring a wave of different emotions for a woman. Feelings of sadness, fear, anger and grief are considered normal.  The shock of receiving such life changing news qualifies as a major stressor, so it’s no surprise that depression and anxiety are common among …

HIV goes overlooked in Dallas, on the rise in Houston

By Barrett White   In a study led by Zachary Most, MD, of the Pediatric Infectious Disease department at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, it was revealed that in adolescent patients living with HIV, there were a significant number of MOEs, or “missed opportunity encounters”. These MOEs mean that these patients could have …

Obamacare Enrollment for 2019 is approaching: What’s changed and what’s new

By Barrett White Are you ready to sign up for health insurance made possible by the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare? The marketplace enrollment begins on November 1 and will work like it has in previous years. The period will be 45 days, leaving you with little time to decide on your healthcare …

Mental Health Mondays: The Ruminating Mind

By Dr. Josepha Immanuel, Psychiatrist Ever had a thought stuck in your head? One that you keep obsessively turning over repeatedly in your mind? It’s called a rumination. While not all ruminations are negative, this repetitive and often toxic thought cycle can be dangerous to your mental health. Ruminations are commonly associated with mental disorders …

Mental Health Mondays: Exploring the Relation Between Depression and Fatigue

By Meg Duke, Behavioral Health Consultant, Legacy Fifth Ward Living with depression can be tough, especially when it comes with fatigue, one of the most common depression symptoms. Fatigue can disrupt a person’s day-to-day routine as well make it difficult to get depression under control. People often know what they need to do to see …

What to Do When Your Child Won’t Sleep

By Roma Bhatt, Director of Therapy Services If you are a parent then you are well aware of how challenging it can be to get your children to go to sleep at night! Fortunately, there are a few tips that can help your little ones get the Zzz’s they need. Set an individualized bedtime and …

ADHD, syphilis and AIDS are most googled health searches in U.S.

What medical concern has Texans turning to the internet for answers? That would be Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

Because of Google, there is a wealth of information – some good, some not-so-good – on whatever ailment you may have. Medical Health Plans—a site devoted to researching consumer health insurance—put together a list of the most searched health conditions in each state.

Mental Health Mondays: The Pet Effect

After a long day at work, nothing compares to the joyful feeling of coming home to your dog or cat. But the love of a furry friend can do more than just provide company. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, owning a pet is good for your overall health.

September is Prostate Health Month—Are You Prepared?

As men approach their 50th birthday, the dreaded landmark looms ahead: The prostate exam. The exam might be the butt of plenty of jokes for middle-aged men, the importance of it is no laughing matter.

Big Week in Health Care if You Have a Pre-Existing Medical Condition

The Affordable Care Act, despite its flaws, has provided millions of Americans who have a pre-existing medical condition like cancer, asthma, or Alzheimer’s insurance coverage. But there’s a question as to whether those insurance protections will continue.

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