Tag Archives: FifthWard

Today is Black HIV Awareness Day. Do you know your status?

By Barrett White “I don’t have HIV, I’m not gay,” said Kalvin Marshall, in disbelief, at learning he was living with HIV. But he was and so was his wife Eunice. The Marshalls are members of Positive Organizing Project (POP+), an advocacy training program designed by and for people living with HIV/AIDS. They were given …

Legacy Community Health encourages measles vaccination

Legacy Community Health, Texas’ largest community health system with 34 clinics, today encouraged parents to vaccinate their children against measles and to watch for signs or symptoms of measles infection. Five cases of the virus have been confirmed this week in Harris and surrounding counties. “Measles is an extremely contagious disease but is preventable with …

What to expect with a newborn

During the first few weeks as a parent, you might question whether certain features or symptoms in your newborn seem normal. Many are a natural part of the transition from birth as your newborn gets used to life in the outside world. Learn more about some common signs below. Your baby’s skin You might notice …

The importance of the well-woman exam

By Dr. Vian Nguyen, Chief Medical Officer We all know how important exercise and diet are when it comes to living a healthy life. However, many of us forget the role of regular check-ups in staying healthy. For women, that means a well-woman exam. A general well-woman exam gives women an opportunity to discuss their …

Healthy Habits to Develop During Early Pregnancy

Watching your diet, exercising and drinking lots of water are good health habits for everyone to develop.  However, if you are pregnant it is especially important to focus on caring for yourself and your baby. We have five healthy habit reminders that may be helpful for expectant moms, especially during early pregnancy. Discontinue harmful habits. …

Flu is on the rise in Houston. Are you prepared?

An expected increase in flu activity across Houston is a reminder that it’s we should all be vigilant in protecting ourselves against the disease. According to the Houston Health Department, which monitors 42 Houston area hospitals, flu activity is expected to increase over the next few weeks. Typically, the flu season peaks between the months …

Safe Slumber: Sleep Tips for your Baby

Updated Feb. 9, 2022 Your baby’s sleep needs changes as they grow. Newborns sleep about 16 hours a day, usually 3 to 4 hours at a time. Don’t be surprised if your baby can only stay awake for an hour or two. Over time, a baby gets into a sleep pattern and will start sleeping …

The Baby Blues or is it Something More?

By Kristina Delhomme, Director—Therapy Services Having a new baby is supposed to be a joyous time. Unfortunately, many families do not get the opportunity to enjoy this time to the fullest. Perinatal mood and anxiety disorders (PMADs) such as postpartum depression and anxiety can dim the light of the joy a newborn brings. This is …

Getting and Staying Fit in the New Year

Happy New Year! Like many people, chances are you made a resolution to get fit in 2019.  The beginning of the year is a great time to re-focus on exercise. To get you on that road to better health, check out Legacy’s Wellness Manager Felicia Sexton video highlighting some simple chair exercises you can do …

New Year, New You!

By Carolina Boyd A new year is fast approaching and with it—the promise of a fresh start. January 1st of each year provides us with a chance to cast out the clutter and regrets of the old year. As is often tradition, many of us will make New Year’s resolutions to welcome in 2019. “People …

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