Tag Archives: FifthWard

HIV Advocacy Week and World AIDS Day

For the first time, on the week of Nov. 27, END HIV Houston (END) will be leading a local advocacy week to bring more urgency to ending the HIV epidemic in Houston.

Mental Health Mondays: Beating the Holiday Blues

As a survivor of the holiday blues, I know what it’s like to feel out of it during the holidays when you are supposed to feel all warm and fuzzy. However, I learned to overcome my holiday depression and so can you.

Mental Health Mondays: When PTSD comes knocking

On average, 15 percent of veterans who served in Vietnam, Desert Storm and or Operation Iraqi/Enduring Freedom are thought to have suffered from PTSD at some point, according to the National Center for PTSD.

But PTSD is not confined to the military.

Mental Health Mondays: Overcoming post-Harvey emotions

When hurricane Harvey flooded Houston, Melinda Ainsworth’s anxiety quickly rose. Her home didn’t flood, but she was overwhelmed by the loss of life and physical devastation all around her. And she’s not alone. Post-Harvey stress is quite common.

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