Tag Archives: Heart Health

American Heart Month: Prioritizing Heart Health for a Stronger Future

February is American Heart Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness about cardiovascular health and encouraging people to make heart-healthy choices. At Legacy Community Health, we recognize the importance of prevention, education, and access to care in reducing heart disease risks and improving overall well-being. Heart health is essential for everyone, but for women going …

Men’s Health Week 2021: Encouraging Men to Take Charge of their Health

By Carolina Boyd, Communications Associate Father’s Day will soon be here; making this occasion a good time to remind the men in your to life to focus on their health. June 14-20, 2021 has been designated Men’s Health Week. This yearly observance helps to bring awareness about preventable health issues while encouraging early detection and …

February and Heart Health

By Carolina Boyd, Communications Associate Updated: Feb. 5, 2021 February is American Heart Month. Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death in the United States. Fortunately, education and prevention efforts can prevent up to 80 percent of cardiac and stroke events. The COVID-19 pandemic has overshadowed this year’s heart health observance. Since …

National Men’s Health Week: Getting Men to see their Doctors

Legacy’s Drs. Larry Caesar and Mark Levine discuss why men need to stop skipping their doctor visits This week is National Men’s Health Week and we’re using the observance to encourage men to take steps to better health. The purpose of Men’s Health Week is to heighten awareness of preventable health problems and encourage early …

National Wear Red Day: One Woman’s Journey from Cardiac Arrest

By Carolina Boyd Friday is National Wear Red Day at Legacy Community Health. It’s likely you will see many others wearing red today to support and raise awareness for women’s heart health.  For Legacy’s Revenue Cycle Management Director Devona Jackson, every day is a chance to raise awareness about cardiovascular disease. On May 31, 2018, …

Heart Health Begins Early in Life

By Carolina Boyd Heart disease sounds like a very adult medical issue, but it begins as early as the childhood and adolescent years. An estimated 1.3 million youths in the United States between the ages of 12 – 19 have hypertension. High blood pressure, in addition to elevated cholesterol levels and obesity, are conditions linked …

Getting and Staying Fit in the New Year

Happy New Year! Like many people, chances are you made a resolution to get fit in 2019.  The beginning of the year is a great time to re-focus on exercise. To get you on that road to better health, check out Legacy’s Wellness Manager Felicia Sexton video highlighting some simple chair exercises you can do …

New Year, New You!

By Carolina Boyd A new year is fast approaching and with it—the promise of a fresh start. January 1st of each year provides us with a chance to cast out the clutter and regrets of the old year. As is often tradition, many of us will make New Year’s resolutions to welcome in 2019. “People …

Sign up for a Legacy Public Health Class

A patient who is educated about their health is the best advocate for their own care. That is why we work with individuals, health care providers and communities to improve health outcomes. We are able to accomplish this through our education classes at many of our clinics and at community locations across Southeast Texas. Here …

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