Texas extenderá la cobertura para madres actuales y nuevas hasta 12 meses después del parto a partir del 1 de marzo. Por Ashley Guidry, Asociada de Comunicación En enero de 2024, los Centros Federales de Servicios de Medicare y Medicaid (CMS) aprobaron el plan de Texas para proporcionar 12 meses de cobertura de atención médica …
Tag Archives: Maternal Health
Texas will extend coverage for current and new moms for up to 12 months post-pregnancy beginning March 1st. By Ashley Guidry, Communications Associate In January 2024, the Federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) approved Texas’ plan to provide 12 months of postpartum health care coverage. Previously, coverage lasted two months but, with the …
The existence of maternity deserts has grown at an alarming rate. How do we close this maternal health gap for a better tomorrow? by Dr. Cynthia Roland and Ashley Guidry, Communications Associate According to the March of Dimes, two million individuals across the country live in areas without access to birthing facilities. “I believe this is the …