Tag Archives: Montrose

What your body can expect after having a baby

Pregnancy brings tremendous change to your life, but those changes do not stop after delivery. Your body continues to change in the first weeks and months after you give birth. Here are some things you can expect. Abdomen  Your abdomen (belly) may still look pregnant for a few weeks. In the first few days, you …

Don’t let bug bites ruin your kids’ summer fun

By Carolina Boyd, Communications Associate School is out and kids are spending more time outside.  However, they aren’t the only ones who like this time of year. Bugs love the warm weather too. Children can be stung or bitten by a wide variety of insects like mosquitoes, fleas, bees, horseflies or ants. Although stings are …

Build Your Body: Legacy’s Felicia Lee-Sexton on Building Confidence

People living with HIV may find it difficult to keep muscle mass. Transgender individuals often look to build a physique to match their gender. Enter Legacy’s Body Positive program. By Barrett White   For those living with HIV and struggling with wasting, or those in transition who are looking to form their bodies to match …

Houston and Beaumont Celebrate 50 Years of the Modern LGBTQ Movement

It’s been 50 years since the birth of the modern LGBTQ liberation movement. How two cities—one that has celebrated Pride for five years, and one for over forty—are showing up for equality. By Barrett White   Incredibly, it’s been 50 years since the modern movement toward LGBTQ rights was kicked off at the Stonewall Inn …

Fun, Sun and the Heat: Protecting Your Kids this Summer

By Carolina Boyd, Communications Associate Hot weather and humid conditions can be hard on anybody, but they are especially tough for children.  Make sure to protect your kids from the heat as much as possible. Heat related illnesses happen when the body’s temperature gets too high.  Infants and children 4 years old and under are …

Summertime is water safety time

By Carolina Boyd Summer time often means swim time for kids. The water brings a much-needed break from the heat, but it can also be a source of danger. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, drowning is the top cause of injury death in the United States among children ages 1 to …

Honoring the community on National Long-Term Survivors Day

June 5 is National Long-Term Survivors Day. Many of those who survived the height of the AIDS crisis are aging, and what that can mean for HIV treatment. By Barrett White   When the virus first struck the United States, it was considered fatal. Just before the crisis began, Montrose Clinic—what Legacy was known as …

Spotting vision issues in your child: it is not always clear

By Carolina Boyd Parents know to take their children to a doctor when they are ill or the dentist when they have a toothache; but it may be more difficult for them to know when it is time to see an eye doctor. Vision problems in kids are common. An estimated 10 percent of preschoolers …

How will you keep active on Senior Health and Fitness Day?

The annual event is observed each May, and is celebrated by health organizations around the nation. By Barrett White   Each May, geriatricians and health professionals across America observe National Senior Health & Fitness Day, the largest older adult health and wellness event in the nation. According to the event’s official site, more than 100,000 …

What to do if your child has a food allergy

By Carolina Boyd Every three minutes, a food allergy reaction sends someone to the emergency room. Food allergies are one of the most common health conditions affecting children under the age of 17. According to the organization, Food Allergy Research and Education, one in thirteen children has some kind of food allergy. Food allergies are …

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