Tag Archives: Montrose

March is National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month

By Carolina Boyd, Communications Associate In February 2000, President Bill Clinton officially dedicated March as National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer diagnosed in this country and the third leading cause of cancer deaths in American men and …

Choosing the Right Toys to Support Childhood Development

Childhood Development Toys

By Dr. Iliana Solano, Medical Director of Pediatrics Playing with toys is often thought of as fun time for children but the seemingly simple act of playing is important to healthy childhood development. Playing helps children to process information, which in turn can assist them in processing the world in which they live. The famous …

Are you ready for the Winter Cold Season?

Winter Weather Health Tips

By Carolina Boyd If you’ve been feeling a bit “under the weather” this winter, it wouldn’t be unusual to worry that you may have contracted the flu or COVID-19 viruses. But after a mild cold season last winter, could you actually be dealing with a case of the common cold? The common cold is a …

January is Glaucoma Awareness Month

Healthy Vision Houston

By Carolina Boyd, Communications Associate Glaucoma is often called the “silent thief of sight.” That is because it can slowly steal a person’s vision without warning. Each year, the month of January is set aside to bring awareness about this debilitating eye condition that affects more than three million Americans and another 60 million worldwide. …

January is Cervical Cancer Awareness Month

By Dr. Rachel Robinson, Medical Director OB/GYN Updated: Jan. 12, 2022 January is National Cervical Cancer Awareness Month, an observance created to raise awareness about the role regular screenings play in cervical health. According to the American Cancer Society, an estimated 14,480 new cervical cancer cases were diagnosed in the United States in 2021 with …

The Connection Between Headaches and Your Period

By Carolina Boyd, Communications Associate Monthly menstrual cycles brings about many hormonal changes and for many those changes include headaches. While some experience mild headaches others can suffer debilitating migraines. Hormonal headaches occur at other times in life, including perimenopause and menopause. However, during a menstrual cycle, the body’s level of estrogen and progesterone rise …

The Omicron Variant and What You Need to Know

COVID-19 Omicron Variant

By Carolina Boyd, Communications Associate A new year is upon us but the COVID-19 worries that marked 2020 and 2021 continue to impact the United States, as well as the greater Houston area. That is because of omicron, a newer variant of SARS-COv-2 that was first reported to the World Health Organization (WHO) in November …

Staying Safe and Healthy for a Happy Holiday Season

Holiday Health & Safety Tips

By Carolina Boyd, Communications Associate The holiday season is well upon us. While it is often referred to as the “most wonderful time of the year,” it can be a risky time as well, especially as the world marks another holiday season inside the COVID-19 pandemic. Even before the global threat of COVID, the holidays …

November Marks National Diabetes Awareness Month

Diabetes Awareness Month

By Ileana Martinez, Registered Dietitian November is National Diabetes Awareness Month. This month, people from all over the world come together to bring awareness to all types of diabetes including: Type 1 diabetes, Type 2 diabetes, gestational diabetes, latent-autoimmune diabetes in Adults (LADA) and prediabetes. Diabetes is one of the leading causes of disability and …

What to Expect for the 2021-2022 Flu Season

By Carolina Boyd, Communications Associate This time of the year is often associated with the holidays, but there is another season that has many in the medical professional worried; and that’s flu season. The 2021-2022 flu season is expected to be especially active because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The flu virus is most active during …

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