Tag Archives: Montrose

Legacy Celebrates the LGBTQ+ Community May 17

May 17 is International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia. By Barrett White   In 1990, the World Health Organization declassified homosexuality as a mental disorder, a decision that activists called long overdue. In 2004, the anniversary of the decision, May 17, became the international observance day to celebrate and empower the community. The International …

Sobriety in the Age of Staying-At-Home

Twelve-step programs are the cornerstone of balanced mental health for many struggling with alcohol use. When you can’t gather, how can you coalesce among peers? By Barrett White   Nobody should struggle alone. Alcohol withdrawal symptoms are thought to be as bad as – if not worse than, in some cases – withdrawals from heavy …

Is it safe to immunize my baby during the COVID-19 pandemic?

By Carolina Boyd, Communications Associate During this time in which we are all focused on COVID-19 concerns, many parents are wondering if they should still vaccinate their babies.  It’s an important question as the United States observes National Infant Immunization Week (April 25-May 2, 2020). The yearly observance highlights the importance of protecting children two …

Legacy Honors Lesbian Visibility Day

By Barrett White Sunday, April 26 is Lesbian Visibility Day, 2020.   The LGBTQ+ movement for equality owes a lot to the hard work of the lesbian community. Each April, the community recognizes lesbians past and present for their contributions to equality. After all, right here in Houston, we were the first major city in …

Defeating Diabetes Month: How to Reduce Your Risk

By Carolina Boyd, Communications Associate The month of April has been designated Defeat Diabetes Month. This year, with most of us focused on the COVID-19 pandemic, it is especially important to remember how dangerous diabetes can be. In fact, chronic conditions like diabetes, can make people more vulnerable to infections, leading to serious consequences. According …

April 18 is National Transgender HIV Testing Day. Do you know your status?

Eliminating the stigma begins with knowing your status. By Barrett White   On average, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates there are nearly 40,000 new HIV transmissions every year, with the highest rates found in the South—and of major cities in the South, Houston is a hotbed for new infections. In the most …

Helping our children navigate the COVID-19 crisis

By Dr. Jessica Brown, MPH The world around us has shifted and things are vastly different than they were even just a few months ago. It is scary, I understand. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic affecting thousands of people, families are being asked to stay in their homes for extended periods of time. Thank you …

Feeding your baby during COVID-19 infant formula shortages

By Dr. Jessica Brown MD, MPH COVID-19 has increased stress and anxiety for families across our area. In addition to concerns about contracting the disease, many are stressed about running out of needed supplies like food, hand sanitizer or paper products. Now, reports of infant formula shortages are making many parents anxious and with good …

Teen Health Week: Senior Check-Out

Legacy puts high school seniors at the helm of their health care as they set off for the real world. By Barrett White   Oh, how I wish someone had explained to me the meanings of deductibles, FQHCs, university clinics, emergency rooms, and private or marketplace health insurance. In fact, there are many adults who …

Teen Health Week: Legacy Comes to You

Legacy clinics are co-located in 21 schools in the Houston region, serving hundreds of students across multiple service lines – and now online. By Barrett White   Since 2012, parents of students enrolled in one of the 21 Houston-area KIPP and YES Prep schools with Legacy clinics in them have not had to worry about …

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