Tag Archives: Montrose

Legacy is still your home for medical care.

There is much confusion in these times, but Legacy wants you to know that you’re still welcome. By Barrett White   With all of the confusion around who is allowed to leave the home, and where you’re allowed to leave it to, and who is even open anyway – Legacy reminds you that we are …

Legacy Opens Telehealth Option for Pediatric Behavioral Health Patients

By Carolina Boyd As the world deals with the uncertainty of COVID-19, many parents and their children are overwhelmed by the anxiety that comes from the unknown. But concern about accessing behavioral health does not have to be an issue for families struggling during this time. Legacy Community Health has launched telehealth services for our …

Navigating the Trans Experience During Coronavirus/COVID-19

The Transgender Education Network of Texas is offering guidance for transgender patients during the pandemic. By Barrett White   The Transgender Education Network of Texas (TENT) provides shelter and safety for transgender Texans every day in the form of resources, community activism, and even grassroots work in Austin, but their work is especially important during …

Serving our pediatric patients during times of uncertainty

By Carolina Boyd COVID-19 has uprooted daily routines and increased concerns for parents when it comes to keeping their children healthy and safe. That is why it is more important than ever to stay current on your child’s medical appointments. Legacy Community Health wants parents to know that we are here for them and their …

Is there a COVID-19 Risk for Pregnant Women?

By Carolina Boyd As the COVID-19 virus continues to spread across the globe, it has become important for everyone to take extra measures to stay safe. The coronavirus is especially concerning for pregnant women, many of whom wonder about potential risks from the virus. According to the U.S Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), …

COVID-19: Determining What is True or False when it Comes to Information

News about COVID-19, also known as the coronavirus, is changing quickly. At Legacy Community Health, we are closely addressing concerns about the virus. While there is a lot of good information available to the public, there is also a lot of confusion about what is true or what is false. Check out Legacy’s Chief Medical …

Walk with a Doc Provides Comfortable Environment for Health Questions

Every second and fourth Saturday of the month, Legacy physician Dr. Amelia Averyt takes Houston’s southeast side on a walk in the park while answering their burning health Q’s. By Barrett White   What is more peaceful than a walk in the park? Dr. Amelia Averyt, a physician at Legacy Santa Clara on the east …

Fifth Disease: What Parents Need to Know

By Ashley Cockrell, Nurse Practitioner School-Based Manager Rosy cheeks are often associated with young children. While it may be a common characteristic of kids at play, it is also a symptom of a viral infection known as fifth disease. It gets its unusual name because it is the fifth of the five viral rash diseases …

Teaching your child “I Am Enough”

By Dr. Teandra Gordon, LMFT-S, Senior Director of School-Based Behavioral Health “Am I enough? Do I matter?” These are the questions children ask when it comes to self-esteem. Is who I am enough to deserve love, success, life and joy? Believing “I am enough” is the foundation of life. A child’s answer to the question, …

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease: When Cramps Signal a Bigger Problem

By Dr. Wendi Monthy, Medical Director of OB/GYN It is not uncommon for women to experience pelvic pain during their lifetime. Sometimes it can be as common as menstrual cramps, but it can also be as serious as pelvic inflammatory disease (PID); an infection of a woman’s reproductive organs. PID is often a complication of …

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