Tag Archives: physical health

Embracing a Family Fit Lifestyle

January marks a fresh start to every year, and as Family Fit Lifestyle Month, it’s also the perfect opportunity to kick things off with a focus on health and wellbeing! At Legacy Community Health, we want to ensure everyone has access to the resources and support they need to become and stay fit. The Importance …

Sitting at a desk or on your feet all day? Here are four things you can do for your back.

By Barrett White Many people spend hours at a time on their feet or seated at a desk every day. Over time, either can cause back pain if your posture isn’t very good, or if you have an underlying health condition. Both standing for long hours and sitting at a desk with poor posture can …

October Is Health Literacy Month!

By Barrett White Health literacy refers to someone’s ability to find, understand, and use information and services related to their health care. Health Literacy Month is a time for health care providers to recognize the importance of making health information easy to understand and the health care system easier to navigate. One way that health …

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