Tag Archives: Prenatal Care

Surviving the Summer Heat When You are Pregnant

By Carolina Boyd, Communications Associate Beating the summer heat is tough for all of us but it is difficult, and in some cases dangerous, for pregnant women. Pregnancy causes a woman’s body temperature to run slightly higher than normal, so the Texas heat is sure to make her feel extra uncomfortable. Overheating can lead to …

Maternal health in Harris County

By Carolina Boyd The health of mothers and their children is a reflection of the overall health of a community. Despite the number of hospitals and medical facilities across Harris County, the incidence of maternal morbidity is high in our area. Maternal morbidity refers to the unexpected, and dangerous, life-threatening complications that arise from pregnancy, …

Sign up for a Legacy Public Health Class

A patient who is educated about their health is the best advocate for their own care. That is why we work with individuals, health care providers and communities to improve health outcomes. We are able to accomplish this through our education classes at many of our clinics and at community locations across Southeast Texas. Here …

New Report: Most Maternal Deaths Preventable

By Barrett White A new report by the State of Texas has found that most maternal deaths could have been prevented with proper health care intervention. What the data says: The report, released Monday, states that nearly 80% of pregnancy-related deaths could have been prevented in 2012, the year in which the maternal mortality rates …

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